Blender conference cool videos

double post, sorry

Track match blend 2 is great, I renewed my cloud subscription just for that.

Picks for the best talks I got to were Daniel Salazar’s the Spline IK rigging talk which also contained a nifty workflow.

Hjalti’s talk was also great. This advice on animation: “There’s no light at the end of the tunnel. There’s just more tunnels.” Perfect. :slight_smile:

Did the stream microphones pick up the groan in the room when “coloured wireframes” was mentioned? Because there was a groan in the room.

(Combined into previous post. Nothing to see here.)

Just want to point out that you said, and I quote “Which talks have stood out for you guys?” while also berating the community for not talking about the conference. See that is the subject of the original post, not the subject title, because a title can be anything. So lets be fair, you set up a subject in which 1) something is wrong with the blender community for not talking about the conference and 2) what at the conference stood out.

Both conditions have been met with the following comments.

And on that note…I think we all know what stood out the most besides the AMA… I’m talking about a murderous ceiling tile. A couple inches to the right and that could have been a lawsuit waiting to happen.

I was streaming that talk from the conference, but was not at the computer at that exact moment. Through my loadspeakers I could hear a sudden ‘whooo’ from the De Bailie Salon audience (and Ton stopped speaking), then a ‘WTF !’ and then Ton’s ‘It was Autodesk !’. I of course stopped my housecleaning and scrambled to the computerscreen.
But really good Ton didn’t get hurt.

Besides this Sainthaven, good points about ‘Both conditions have been met with the following comments’. Lets see if the BA moderators will allow the discussion to continue (since Fweeb is all ready talking about closing this thread).

And when I say the BA moderators, I think the right term is the BA curators. The closing of threads have been going on long enough and the pattern is clear for me. I am not born yesterday - and basically I’m not fooled anymore by what is going on.

Sorry to say this, but this is what I feel.

You know, the bad thing about trolls are, they stink up the place…

Thanks for starting this tyrant monkey!

Really been trying to learn animation and the conference video The Joy of Animation pointed out several mistakes I’ve been making. A very informative video to me.


@ Last reply on the topic: The LOL isn’t me. While the videos doesn’t have transcript, from my basic understanding was the functionality is there, it wasn’t being exposed to the user yet. While I’m not an expert developer, I know programmers can do a lot of functionality and keep it hidden for a while, for various reason. Hot Cofee incident is one of them. I don’t know if its a matter of developer planning one thing on the side, and Ton wish for another (ala color wireframe, reset default, etc). Anyway, that’s the end of the topic. I’m not watching the videos again but if I recall correctly, the word was along ‘the functionality is there, we haven’t exposed it to the user yet’.

On the topic of videos, the use of Blender on AAA (LEGO games) shows a lot of Blender strength. Quick bug fixes, and adding tools that non-existent on other 3d software, and stability. This is where Blender should play its strength to make inroads. Although sidefx are doing the same thing with dailybuilds (which they really focus on bugs).

Just to be clear it is me not Fweeb that asked for this thread to be closed. Why? because I feared it would descend into another coloured wireframe or GUI grudge match. We have had months and months of this stuff.

Overall I think a lot of other posters have gotten the idea of what I was going for? The are hours and hours of videos and I doubt most people will watch all of them this thread was to get a ‘word of mouth’ thing going so that anyone reading can get an idea of the video that are worth checking out.

Well that must be yourself you talk about. With your off topic inflamatory remark. Compared to everyone else who are commenting on things they have seen at the Blender Conference (things that stood out as the OP writes), and trying to have a constructive discussion about it. Without breaking any BA rules (see this Fweeb ?)

Oh yes, I Know this. But I was referring to his comment :

Just imagine. Once a year the organiser/leader of the FOSS project Blender makes a keynote and some talks about the status of the project and there is a Developer AMA. A yearly event, and for the rest of the year the organiser/leader is pretty much not interacting with the community.

So this is a big event among the users. But on the most important forum for users it seems that it is important for the moderators that a thread called ‘Blender conference cool videos’ stays very upbeat (even when the OP goes into detail and ask : what stood out at the conference ?). And people with a more downbeat reaction to what they have seen at the conference get referred by the moderators to some unspecified existing non-conference related threads ‘to beat their drums’.

What a unbiased moderated forum I can only say…

For me Personally this was my favorite one

The Idea to is just plain awesome, it is a bit on the pricy side, however I have not found any rendering cloud this simple (except that free one which seems to be the same interface, however it looks to be unpredictable when stuff is actually getting rendered, slower and worst of all, for me to be able to use it I have to render stuff all the time, which is precisely the thing I try to avoid since the PC becomes almost unusably slow and draws crap ton of power).

To add some upbeat things about the conference I would say that the ‘Developing and designing powerful modeling tools’ by Jonathan Williamson and Jonathan Denning was pretty cool and interesting when I saw it streamed. :slight_smile:
But it seems something happend when recording it - because I can’t see it in the BlenderFoundation youtube-channel.

And - in some ways - the Developer AMA was uplifting in the sense of all the honest comments from users, developers and Ton.

Agree with you on that one. Also their crew is really nice and it was a pleasure to discuss with them. I’ve got to try their service for my next project, not only is quite cheap, but also it’s a brillant idea !

Blender in a triple A Game Studio

great talk, it was funny and showed features which make it really easy why blender was used over commericla tools
and why Blender isnt widely used -yet in the industry.

An Automated Sprite Rendering System using Blender

the right amount of creative ways and necessary laziness to make sprite game creation faster

Low-poly models for a 3D atlas of embryos

nice usage of addons and build in stuff for time saving solutions.

V-Ray For Blender

eye opener about pros and cons of the V-ray plugin(s)

OSL Shader Writing with compatibility in mind

what the benefits of OSL are over other shading languages and
the huge amount of where Blenders pipeline exceeds the competition in the OSL shader writing area.

there was a talk form a guy from The Mill buy I haven´t found it yet,
it was about comparing renderers with each others and why Blender was used as the main program to send the files to the other mostly commercial renderers.

another great one
Mantaflow talk.

explains what why and current status.

to be mentioned are

Using Blender to make failed aircraft ideas fly
talk (many people make and made the same mistakes he thankfully showed.)

and Sverchock because it seems to be a great addon.

I just watched the lightining talk yesterday, I was not excited to watch almost 2 hours of video but oh boy how fast time went through. I expected people making boring announcements about boring project but I was proven so wrong.

Awesome projects, dynamic LOD terrain, muscle system, super realistic CUDA cloth simulation, updated open source web engine for viewing models , high quality documentation for cycles, controling bones and meshes/ blender parameter using kinetic type controllers, procedural animation of sign language, collision detection and several interesting game and online projects. I was not aware of any of those project and I hope next conference we can get even more people to present their project because its clear to me that there is a lot more development that happens outside Blender than inside it which is how it should be.

Meaning the community is very healthy and growing rapidly.

The video recording seems to have been lost. We’re waiting to hear from De Baile (the venue) on where it might be so that it can get uploaded.

I just wanted to check about this. How do you mean a bit on the pricy side? I calculated a cost of rendering 750 frames at 15 min/frame (local i5 speed) and it came out at €27-35. The same sequence at other blender friendly render farms was €100-200. I also tried it out with a prior project and all came out well and fast.

Sorry, I stand corrected. I thought the Amazon servers where more complicated but cheaper, however they are not cheaper just more complicated. :slight_smile:

I agree but not only for Cycles! What he explained is also useful in Internal and the compositor. :cool: