Blender 4.1 not working with wireless mouse

Blender 4.1 not working with wireless mouse, wired mouse works as expected.

  1. Communication failure between the wireless mouse and the PC
  2. Check the battery of the wireless mouse
  3. Problems with mouse settings in the OS

There is no reason why it won’t work unless it’s in the above three situations.
I don’t remember seeing the option of selecting a mouse on a blender. :thinking:

I should have said wireless mouse navigation not working correctly ,that is it works for selecting I just can’t rotate and move around the object.

The only way I know to select a mouse is wirerless connect to bluetooth or wired just plug in and turn off wireless mouse.

Sounds like your middle mouse button is broken

Mouse buttons are prone to failure. :slightly_smiling_face:
Try double click mouse test on the Internet.
Double click may have occurred. (Burton failure)

That was it, middle mouse button failure ,have’nt had it very long bought an HP wireless mouse and keyboard combo because I bought a mini PC Win11 Pro inclusive and wanted to keep the wire count down.

ps. gone back to wired.

Thanks:- oo_1942 Kim and joseph

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