Blender 2.64 is out!!

2.64 x64 Can`t stop rendering until the end rendering. Black screen and wait for the end of rendering. CPU. Try change tiles - the same stupid situation.

I missed any dev notes indicating that support for OS X <10.6 would be dropped?? I’m on 10.5.8, with no option to upgrade for the time being due to various reasons. I’m assuming a build will come up via graphicall… unless there’s a dependency to some other core package not available in older versions of OS X??

Love the easy wireframing.

Also before using blender 2.64 would often crash when moving multiple selections to a new layer, seems to have gone away. Yay.

Just published my overview video of 2.64 and many of the new features and changes:

Blender 2.64 need a CUDA capable video card?

TY Jonathan. :slight_smile:

No, not exactly.

If you want to render with Cycels on the GPU, then the best option is to have CUDA capable card (meaning Nvidia). Cycles can render with CPU, but it’s considerably slower.

Cycles also “supports” OpenCL (both Nvidia & AMD cards can run with it), but I have never been able to run it (there is always some obscure problem / crash), so I cannot say how it compares with CUDA (apparently poorly).

Very nice presentation.

Just remember, something I also learned recently.
Box mapping, connect object space, not generated (global) and add texture mapping node to handle textures.

could you show a quick node pic of that?

never-mind i think got it… :slight_smile:
not sure what the difference is with generated and object, so far…
will have to play with it more…

As we see it on the video. But, under tex coordinates, select object, not generated.
Tex coordinates->texture mapping -> texture node/box not flat.
It works better with seamless images.

Oh wow, I really like how the blended box mapping stuff was integrated into the image texture node.

delete please…there was a mistake in thread visualization…

about cycles failure you can check waht brecht suggest:

  • Date: 2012-10-05 22:05
  • Sender: Brecht Van Lommel
  • It’s possible that it’s 50995, but that code only runs when the “Sample as Lamp” option is enabled for the world, which is not enabled by default. Does this crash happen with any the default cube, or only with a specific .blend file? In case of the latter, please attach a file that crashes.

I have a file that crash and actually the “sample as lamp” was enabled for the world…now I disabled it and it works.

@marcatore, yes that works for me too. Thanks!

Congrats to great new release :smiley:
Btw is there any roadmap for next work on blender?

hum… not that stable, on win7-67 it crashes a lot with trivial stuff like changing an objects layer or closing the program
anyway congrats for the new release

Thanks as always for these great intro videos. I don’t even really bother playing around with new features until after I’ve gotten the BlenderCookie overview on the additions.

And, obviously, tremendous thanks to all the programmers and everybody at Blender!

Blender 2.64 crashes even when I select World, Material or Object tabs in Properties. The crash is related to opencolorio.dll.

There will be a Blender 2.64a with important fixes soon.

Here you can get the 2.64a download
Revision 51221