Blender 2.5 Video Tutorial: Howto model a spaceship based on Star Trek

Like promissed, I uploaded Tutorial 3e. Happy blending friends!

your starfleet ship looks terrific and i also want to make my own ship so i´ll check your tut out!

Terrific… a new word for me. First I thought it means something like terrible ;). Hehe, well i looked it up (if I can say it this way) and now I know it is something positive ;)… So, thanks!

Just uploaded Tutorial part 3f. Enyjoy!

Uploaded Tutorial Part 3g. I will update the preview image on the head of this thread as soon as it available. By the way, I started also uploading Wallpaper images on my blender tutorial site.

There are images available like this:

Hi guys, it have been a while now since I posted the last time. Sorry for that. I just created the overview page for Tutorial part 3 on my site: Tutorial Part 3

I also uploaded the blend file for it. I will continue uploading the .blend files during the next days.

Hi guys, just added Tutorial 3h. Sorry for my long absence.

Please do a tutorial on the sun, or any planet. There seems to be a lack of them in the blender community. It would also be nice to have a tutorial on space effects (ex: stars with glare, colored clouds, the atmosphere of space etc.).

Well, my sun is actually quite simple. Basically, just a dynamic cloud texture and some after effects with the node editor applied. I apply the almost same after effects in my tutorial. I think, the planets and suns can be much much better than in my tutorial, since I spent just, I don’t know, something about 15 minutes on them. All the glow just come from the node editor. There are no halos or anything on my sun(s). Is it really worth to make a tutorial for it?

Yes, because there is very little info on how to do such things. Especially on glow with nodes

Hi sorry for my long absence and sorry to ethan because I did not answer your last question. I am working on so many things right now, that it hard to keep everything ongoing. When I find time for your request, I will do it. I will keep it in mind.

Forgot to say: I uploaded two new FullHD Wallpaper to my tutorial site:

They are rendered with Blender Cycles and are part of the new video I am currently working on. What do you think of them?

ANy chance of doing a tutorial on updating blender render material to cycles?

Hello great tutorials was wondering can you make them Avi or mp4 cos i go through tuts at work on my break but i have no internet connection so would be good to be able to do these from offline files.

Thanks andy

Hi, I am sorry, I did not do anythink in Blender for a long time. Just uploaded a new animation and thought I look into my old threads.

@lexx: Well, I do not know another way to update blender materials to Cycles then creating them from the scratch. You can say “use nodes” but you have actually to recreate them, as far as I know.

@flobz: Well, there are plugins for chrome and firefox doing this. They might be not legal but I will not put you to court ;).