BGMC17; Suggestions and Discussion.

Maybe that but with added gameplay complexity? Such as clicking on the falling pizzas and dragging it towards somewhere?

Do we get to play Metallica? XD

What about solid diffuse only, no textures/UV mapping allowed?

From my experience competing in and hosting BGMC, I think its best to not restrict graphical style or gameplay mechanics too much (Yes, I know I hosted the SNES graphics theme, and I think I went too far). But you don’t want to leave it open ended either. Part of the challenge of BGMC is coming up with a game that fits the theme and design requirements; but if you restrict it too far, you’ll end up with a lot of variations of the same game.

I like the idea of having to use a color, however I think instead of being a specific color the theme would be “color.”

And just so everyone can see, here is a list of the past BGMCs:

  1. No theme
  2. Disney
  3. Capcom
  4. Experimental
  5. Horror
  6. Platformer
  7. Sky
  8. Insects
  9. Circus
  10. Game of the Movie
  11. Nature
  12. Olympics
  13. SNES
  14. Nintendo 64
  15. Robots
  16. Stealth
  17. ?

I really enjoy being a part of BGMC, but that wouldn’t be possible for me if the game was python heavy because I do not know how to use python and I couldn’t learn in a week. Do what ever you want but I know that there are probably other people who don’t have an extensive python knowledge.
I’m sorry for no suggestions if I think of one i’ll post later.

I think that a game where a senior forum member makes a system

to meta the ability to use assets would be neat.

so people could use a uniform trigger mechanism to create actors,
props and puzzles, would be nifty,

Like wrectified but slightly more matured.

like my controller-----actor-----prop systems

so the pieces could all together as a coherent game.

@BPR that sounds like a really fun event, but a bit far away from what BGMC is.

Several other game making or modding communities have a similar thing, where each person makes a ‘room’ and at the end they are joined together in to a full game. It’d be fun to run a competition like that… but separate from the BGMC. Like monster did with the alien evolution event.

The colour thing does sound pretty interesting…

Another idea:
-Spelunking. Thinking dark caves (or abandoned ruins) with traps and/or monsters. Treasures, secrets, and the like.

Theme ideas off the top of my head; Art, Music, Interaction, Nonsense, Puzzles, Possibly Patterns?

Also thought another fun theme idea would be a black box type thing, where you download a zip with a handful of resources. Some you are required to use, others you are not type deal. Some of the resources could also orient the theme or even make the theme possible like generation scripts for infinite terrain (just as an example)

I work quite a bit, but I’ll participate as much as possible :smiley:

Ok everyone, thanks for the suggestions. I’ll put up a poll with some of the more popular ideas.

Funny thing I prepared such things a few years ago :). Unfortunately I wasn’t able to create a framework that glues the separated parts together in an easy way.

With LibLoad it might be a bit better.