Autodesk Stingray.


yup, same opinion here, drop bge out of code and add full integration with unity/unreal
as for stingray, great idea by ad


Can we do the same thing using add-on? Are there any license limitation to do tight integration with ue?

The only real way for Blender to have that type of one-click export without the GPL getting in the way is if Unity/UE4 and other engines stopped making use of the .fbx format as their main importing option and instead based everything on reading open formats such as collada (or even the .blend file format).

The Godot engine at least is 3D capable and plays very well with Blender without having to deal with GPL limitations (though the 3D part is not yet as well developed as that of Unity and Unreal, but a rewrite is planned with the debut of the Vulkan API).

Yeah. i’m not sure why EPIC went with FBX when they had their own format for UE3. Either way integration with Unity works very well actually. I don’t know what they are doing with their on the fly FBX conversion of the Blender files but I can see realtime changes in Unity the minute i save my Blend file.

There really isn’t anything stopping someone from creating their own format and adding it to Unity or Unreal. I mean if you can write a decent XML exporter and are able to get the relevant information in Blender into a file, how hard is it to create an interpreter in Unreal that will open that file and put things where they belong? I mean isn’t that all FBX import is doing anyway? Unreal gives you access to the source and you can even just do a plugin. We don’t need binary access or source code access from Blender’s side just an xml file in a fancy container (zip) and some kind of parser on the Unreal side that can interpret that. You can even do the hot update functionality like Unity does and all the users knows is that they saved a Blend file and imported it to Unreal or Unity. it exports and imports on the fly just like Unity does now.

I don’t know enough about Blender’s api and how much info you can export out of it, though based on how integrated you can get with external renderers I’m sure it’s quite possible to export as much info as you need to import into Unreal.

Okay, bumping this thread, but only because the GamesFromScatch guy just did a thorough rundown over what to expect from working in Stingray.

Despite a few issues and the automatic installation of a mysterious application, he considers it an engine that can hold its own as a true competitor to Unity and Unreal 4 (that is if you’re exclusively making 3D games).