Andrew Price will not be at the Blender conference?

We are in 2015. Would it not be possible to do online video conference with those who can not travel?

Moderation note: I deleted many off-topic posts to this thread since it was moved. Please stay on topic.

All of the most recent Blender Conferences (within at least the last 5 years) have been live streamed. This one will likely be as well.

That said, there’s no substitute for standing (or sitting) face-to-face with other people at a conference. Very much worth it.

Andrew Price is not gonna be at BConf?

Oh my god, call it off immediateley!!

Let me express a deeply felt “thank you” (if that makes any sense) to you, Thenewone, for bringing this to my eyes.
It totally made my day! In a humorous way.
For all those who don`t get it, or consider it “tasteless”, “inappropriate” or whatever (explicitely including Ton):

Ever heared of Charlie Chaplin? “The Great Dictator”? Walt Disney? “The Fuehrer`s Face”? Does that ring a bell?

-In short: Since when is it a bad thing to make fun of Nazis in general or Hitler in particular??!
Also, though it unfortunateley didnt live up to my expectations, we all enyojed "Iron Sky", didnt we?
One more thing: Ask yourself, had it been a quote by, - say, Pol Pot - would you all be as upset? Or is this some “uuuuh, he said Hitler-thing?”

And, for truth`s sake: Hitler was right about that. Deal with it.

Here`s a quote by John Locke: “There would be a great many fewer disputes in the world, if words were taken for what they are, the signs of our ideas only, and not for things themselves.”

Oh yes, this was very off-topic, guilty as charged!

@BTolputt: Note to self: Go to an Aussie comedy club one day. And if you have more recomendations, feel free to PM me!

greetings, Kologe

Fweeb is trying to cover up the truth, he is censoring us! O.O

It’s hypothetically possible to do a realtime/prerecorded video presentation at a conf. If someone’s not there to do a presentation in person though, it’s better for them to post something to YouTube or even stream a talk on Twitch if they want live discussion. They don’t need a conference to do that. Just like presenters can stream videos from wherever, viewers can also watch videos from wherever.

The real value of having the presenter there at a conference in person is being able to catch up with them afterwards and talk shop over a drink. Face to face beats the absolute snot out of online in every way except for the costs involved in transporting your conscious meat halfway around the world so it can talk to other conscious meat.

Shirley :wink: it’s possible to have live conference with chat along, so anyone can participate. Have attended many in such way.

Can see nothing wrong in citing Adolf, he was an artist who lost his way on blitz/speed. Anyway, look around you, have you seen news lately, many citizen today are proud to be patriotic national socialists :smiley: … oops meant social democrats… hahaha - contemplating on that thought, it’s a mixture of national socialism and national fascism (political groups of many different (and sometimes opposing) orientations). Colors do not matter as long as you comply with the strict system in order. And we do our killings with robots, drones.

Andrew looks like a simple nice guy. Feel sorry for him, exposing mind of vast opposition to the dictator. Well at least Ton meet Karma on BCon2014… UI & UX sucks big time! I adapted, yet still hate it and there’s no way to simply change it.

I wonder what’s with BF UI team… any news?

It’s not like that. When you start with Blender everything is new for you and Andrew tends to mix up some concepts that later haunt you when learning further. I find him rather stiff when it comes to his methods, for him everything must be followed by some rules and statistics that he found around. No wonder everything he does is so mediocre.

I like the guy but he’s not conference worthy. I remember one of his talks about photorealism and it was a continuous “k, thanks cpt obvious”.

Then again… salesman.

Serious question to the powers that be (the mods):

How are the technicalities of hypothetical video conferences and whatever supposed to be the topic of this thread?
Wasnt it about Mr. Price not attending BConf 2015 and hasnt everything been said about that long ago?

greetings, Kologe

Indeed. Closed.