Andrew Price will not be at the Blender conference?

Ye buddy xD

And yeah can this thread be closed xD the cancer is spreading I cant control my self.

I already reported it to the mods when the anti-Andrew stuff first popped it’s head up.

I really like Andrew Price’s stuff. He’s also a great speaker. It is a shame he won’t be there as a part of the conference.

I’ve noticed that there are a few people that don’t like him for some reason. Jealousy?

He has great tutorials and he uploads videos on youtube if an interesting feature comes up. He’s done more for blender community than those that are annoyed with him.

Well it all started back when was 99% UI talk for months lol

I guess it is related to the UI proposal (as LordOdin said) . That has generated fanatics on both sides, anti and pro.

I’d put it down more to fanboy support of Ton to be honest. Have a look at the comment kept in the cropped screenshot of Andrew’s tweet. Anyone that thinks it’s a coincidence that the one response kept in shot is Ton’s… from a tweet a year and a half old? It’s a little petty.

LordOdin I think correctly labelled the beginning. Andrew disagreed with the UI orthodoxy as preached by Ton. Thing is, he went that extra mile and asked people both inside and outside the Blender community what was the most frustrating aspects of the user interface and providing the collated responses for public perusal. In other words, instead of staying in the echo chamber he polled people in the industry who had no reason to

The result was a groundswell of support for change, a reactionary response against said change, a new UI Team with the independence to make changes Ton doesn’t like (e.g. right-click select), and a bitter taste in the mouths of those that went to bat for the status quo & feel betrayed at the changes planned.

Moved from “Latest News” to “Blender and CG Discussions”

Also, let’s try to avoid conspiracy theories and stay on topic.

Please move it to off-topic

Oh god why was this thread kept alive.

Andrew Price blew up the World Trade Centers.
The destruction looked too much like a physics simulation, clearly the work of a mad Blender artist.

Thanks obama…

I wasn’t there so I wouldn’t know. But UI and UX has always been the talk with Blender. More so than what blender is capable of.

Oh noes we cant start this.

Andrew Price used his knowledge of indirect lighting to help fake the moon landing.

So the consensus here is, that its nowadays okay to portrait Hitler in a positive light?
If so I will say that Andrew Price didn´t do anything wrong with his offensive “joke”.

Scum of this earth.

That’s not the worst thing.
Andrew Price used his extensive knowledge of bullet physics and simulations to assassination Kennedy.

This guy is a monster!!

well, his “humour” is to say at least questionable.

Let me put on my Groucho Marx glasses-and-moustache-combo for this:

That was funny. Really funny. If you can’t laugh about this, I pity you.

On top of this, it takes some balls to post this (especially as a non-comedian), because there’s a likelyhood that some idiot that doesn’t even get the joke will try to turn it into a controversy that damages his business. Evidently, people will pull this screencap out months later when they get the chance to scrutinize Andrew…

On the other hand, posting “This is senseless and tasteless. Totally inappropriate humor.” as a reply is utter arrogance and cowardice. If I could, I would file a restraining order to have Ton Rosendaal banned from ever using humor in public again.

So the consensus here is, that its nowadays okay to portrait Hitler in a positive light?

You don’t get the joke.

Check his latest podcast: he mentions he already spent $10k going to SIGGRAPH so he’s skipping BConf this year. It’s also worth checking his latest podcast because it’s a wide-ranging interview with Pablo Vazquez (venomgfx) about film making and other things which is very good.

It’s further worth checking his latest podcast because Andrew has trouble pronouncing “Vazquez” and it’s never not funny hearing him struggle with pronouncing non-Anglo names.