Am I the only one who likes 3DS max?[Edited]

Yes it does,
go to scene then hit metric or imperial.

oh and,

add the set flow operation to the list of things I like about max :confused:

@fdfxd i’m talking about texture size not model size
how can you take a texture and say this texture is 1cmX1cm?

Someone likes 3DS Max around these parts? lights pitchfork

Just kidding… >_>

I used 3DS Max in the first year of my University course in 2011/2 and every lecture something about it would break or stop working. One particular memory involved being taught about the animation curve editor, where as soon as you entered another section in that panel (cant remember specifically sorry), the button used to exit it suddenly vanished, either requiring you to work with it open or to reopen the application. I asked the lecturer for help too and he couldn’t find anything to fix it; from there my relationship with the program went downhill. The UI was never concise and constantly relied on various floating windows and unintuitive shortcuts, it was the most unreliable program i’ve ever used and as a result I never enjoyed using the program.

After having to use it for a year, I wasn’t required to use it on my course for the following year and looked for alternatives to use during the summer. Blender was the first one I tried as I didn’t want to rely on a program with a £3.5k licensing cost, and despite its steep initial learning curve, after two weeks of video tutorials courtesy of and some experimentation it clicked. Although some elements of the UI/UX could do with some work so it doesn’t immediately feel counter-intuitive, I quite like the lack of a right-click menu in exchange for direct commands and its very flexible user-interface, the panels for the most part have unified shortcuts so you know what pressing X does across the board, tools like the in-built file and image browser are great for single screen reference imagery and despite being more cluttered in recent releases than id like (something that 2.8 seems set on fixing), theres a much better flow to how tools and operators are presented.

I’ve also tried using programs like ZBrush, but after trying to get to grips with it for a few months i still prefer Blender as my go-to 3D tool.