Adopt an Unfinished Game!!!

Hey what is I clicked it and some page with sponsores came up.

I will claim the marble game if that is possible? and may I port it over to another game engine, so I can add awesome physics, etc?


I’m claiming the darts game, if that’s O.K.?

Hi guys, hopefully Ill get help here and Im not lost in this thread/topic/whatever xD
I actually started with Blender, made some (really weird looking) things and failured because of missing time and motivation (for sure, if you have no time, you are in a hurry and so on), BUT
I started to create a cre- well lets begin at the very first part :

Today Im playing the free online game “League of legends” (I dont want to make an adverdisment, but I think you should know what I want to do so far^^) by Riot and got sometimes really angry about their “creative urges” while creating a new character.
The game is simple about destroying the enemys inhibitor and defending his own - Riot is able to make every two /three weeks a new champion to pick and to fight (defend, have fun) with him or her…or…it.
If you’re interested to know more about the game (It will be necessary for my question, I guess) you can just type it into Google or try that link :slight_smile:

So…now I like to introduce my idea - they got a large community who is able to make their own skins for their champion, some people also created their own 3D-model, which whom they can play now and shortly - yeah I want something in a way…like that.^^
I already designed the character and took a lot of pain to draw skins, making the story and the attacks for him.
And surely I tried to make a 3D-model by myself, but it turned out really scary and Im not sure if I could present Riot something like…that… xD
I dont think they would make a hero out of him, but at least it would be fun to work with someone together who could create a guy I’ve already in my head and on paper (sounds curios, sorry xD) and maybe miracles become true and pigs learn to fly.

So…if someone is interested…he, or she can write me a personal message, I will (of course) show you the artwork, the story, the concept and what I’m expecting ^^
(the 3D-Art of Riot isnt THE greatest, so I dont mind, if really anybody wants to take a look at it and wants to try it - it cant be worse than mine xD)

Want to adopt Hitomi - the all seeing eye? :slight_smile: (it wont be only one eye, dont be scared ^^ he looks a bit like a griffin…but…just a bit :wink: )


This is a great idea.

Currently I have one game I would like someone to take a look at.
It’s a snowboard simulation:

It’s made in 2.5x, to run simply open up the snowboard_game.blend and hit “P”.

WASD for leaning, arrow keys for turning.
Holding and releasing down arrow while not in the air will ollie (jump).


  1. Create a simple proof of concept snowboard simulation that does not focus on arcade gameplay but tries to resemble the main 2 characteristics in snowboarding: leaning your body and turning. Bringing both together to steer the board and do turns and tricks in the air.
  2. Sound effects
  3. After those basic driving physics are laid down 2-3 levels should be designed (with normal maps falling snowflakes and some obstacles to do tricks at) which can be chosen in a menu on startup.
  4. Music?

What’s done so far:

  1. Fully rigged and textured Character with movement logic.
  2. Key-Input and applying of leaning and turning forces.
  3. A testing level with some kickers.

What needs to be done:

  1. Carving physics that make steering realistic. The problem is that when leaning left or right in reality the board edges create a turning motion while making the board stick to the ground along the edge. Which is generally called carving.
  2. Add sound
  3. Create some levels and a Menu to select them
  4. Create some music?

The main game Python logic can be found in py/
The interseting part for the driving physics is in the Class Player in the updatePhysics() method.

It would be cool if someone could take a loot at Problem 1 (the steering physics).

This is awesome!


Finsih this game if you want, just send me the finished file, I don’t want credit, just to see what you did with it [email protected]


Park Of death.blend (683 KB)

I’ll adopt this game if you want me to! Just PM me your goals for this game and the blend file(s), and I’ll credit you for the original concept. I’ll try to improve the game so that I can hone my skill in making a project into a reality. Thanks! :slight_smile:

I can fix the steering,

own.localLinearVelocity.x += abs(own.localLinearVelocity.y*.2)

this assumes X+ is forward, you would need to flip it, any time the velocity is not in line to

own.localLinearVelocity.x += -abs(own.localLinearVelocity.y*.2)

I think it is a very good idea, for myself, I’m actually creating a game on Tron and it was very diffucult to start with no textures, no example scripts, nothing.

Currently I am on a game project called Tron-R{reboot|reloaded} and I never finished this game: FULL SPACE (because the univers is so huge, but there is enough aliens to disturb us).

This is a game project of space combat FPS but with strategy : the player commands a small ship, but can order to all other ships with a ‘radio’.
Some screenshots:

note: herald of drone ship : has only one weapon : a nuclear bomb (some antimissiles lasers)
This ship contains above 20 drones with multiples weapons

The TPSS (Torus Prime Space Ship) is a very expensive ship, the only one commander ship the human fleet have. It privides 8 penthouses for ships. It could be the start and end mission point.

Game name: Deception - The Genesis Consequence -

Short description: A third-person single player survival horror (not a shooter). A substance has been deployed by a crazy scientist in the water system of a city, making its population become a horde of dumb sadistic maniacs. You, the student Sara, hopes to find a strange professor who you believe can be the responsible for all of that.

What you were hoping for the game and what you have already done: I don’t even started this game, I only think that the idea and maybe the resources can be used by someone else. There is a main character (Sara), your movement animations (running and walking), a simple test level, the texture resources, the animation and movement scripts, a simple flashlight parented to her hand bone and a camera following Sara (that don’t have the camera collision scripting). That game should have been a stealth and investigative one, avoiding the action and mantaining the thriller feel in a urban ambient, but I don’t have so much Python knowledge for this yet. I’m studying the BGE and maybe I continue this project, but in this time maybe someone pick it and make a better use than me. :wink:

Hi everyone! This is a game I created, but it has only a few levels. It also has some glitches, etc. If you would like to take it on, feel free. You can do what you like with the game, and change it in numerous ways. If you add some levels, or edit it in some way you can post some photos on this thread.

Here are some screenshots of the game:
