[ADDON] EWOCprojects presents PreSel


version 0.3.0

I rewrote the drawing routines so its not that hacky anymore.
Now theres settings for highlight colour, vert size and edge thickness.

@kakachiex2 : now faces are drawn fully

I fixed issues with multiple component modes!

wow paleajed your a machine coding thanks for this so awaited feature

yiayyy paleajed this last version is really fast

one last suggestion to make the presel more beautiful can you add to the face presel included the border whit a more lighter color
sometime like this imageā€¦

version 0.3.1

@kakachiex2 : added white outline around face highlight

hope you do not hate me for this, but you should be proud of the contribution you have made, one last suggestion but if youā€™re willing to do itā€¦

  • in vertex selection the edges shared by the vertex have a nice gradient, can you add this to the vertex presel highlight and iā€™m very grateful with you thanksā€¦:smiley:

version 0.3.2

@kakachiex2 : I havent figured out yet how to do a gradient line in opengl, but I implemented highlighting of the entire edges starting from the highlighted vert (maybe this is even better -> easier to make out what other verts are connected to the highlighted one, I often find myself trying to follow the gradient edges and getting lost along the wayā€¦) Let me know what you think.

Blender has this already it is difficult to see the source how blender handle this gradient over edges

i found a bug wen presel is active and i call the extrude or inset tool wen insetting and released it give an error and stop working

paleajed this addon is going to be a pain for you because it seems it interfere with some tools behavior

Waaaah! Preselecting! I am so exited! I hope this is possible as an add-onā€¦ a lot of things is giving errors at this pointā€¦

Here is mine - http://db.tt/P6UYz3Dk

Thrown during adding new vert/edge/face with ctrl-lmb.

Also, please make it work also when select with is set to left in user preferences.

I will monitor this thread.

Also, the brightness slider seems to break the color picker.

Commands that also break the addon: subdivide, knife, select path, edge crease, make edge-face, merge, inset faces, duplicate, select shortest path behaves wrong, vertex bevel, loop cut and slide and unwrap commands. Probably more.

yes i have experience this issue with the color picker

Hey there - this is getting better! Did some more testing with latest(3.2):

There are some errors when selecting single edges/faces, then moving the cursor away from that selection.
Try this:
-Hover over a face
-Click (but donā€™t move the cursor yet) so the face is selected (you can see the vert gradients)
-Move cursor away and some of the verts will not remain selected.
This seems random - sometimes two, sometimes three verts become deselected. Similar things happen in vert and edge mode when following the previous steps: edges often become completely deslected, same for single verts. This also happens after a tweak-drag: some random components will remain selected.

Tweak-dragging edges/faces:
After hovering to preselect an edge or face, if you then move the cursor close to a boundary vert (keeping original component preselected), tweak drag will move adjacent verts, not the preselected components.

G, R, S keys
With preselection on and a component preselected, hitting the G key will make blender think its moving something but nothing moves. Dx Dy Dz appear in the lower left of the 3d view.

With preselection on, and a component preselected, pressing R or S key kills blender.

version 0.4.0

I suppose all of these plus the ones reported by kakachiex2 should be working now!

The color picker issue : I suppose this is a bug in Blender? Ill look further into it.

Should work with leftmouse select too now.

EDIT: G, R and S seem to be working now too, do test though

version 0.4.1

some bugfixes

Havent been able to recreate this oneā€¦

I canā€™t repeat the mysteriously deselecting components, or the G, R, S issues anymore on version 0.4.1, so maybe its fixed!

I skimmed over some of the other tools like knife, bevel, and loop cut - no probs with 0.4.1

few more:
Preselection stops after hitting ā€˜Cā€™ to paint select
ESC to exit paint select and preselection works again

Preselection stops after selecting with paint or box select.
-Hover mouse over object in component mode
-ā€˜Cā€™ key to paint select a few faces
-ā€˜ESCā€™ Key to exit paint select
-First polygon selected with paint select maintains preselection coloring, preselection no longer happens under cursor
-ā€˜Aā€™ to deselect seems to reset preselection to a working state again.

Preselect stops working after tweak dragging a component.
ā€˜Aā€™ to deselect and preselect resumes

It may be relevant that I use the following prefs: ā€˜Release confirmsā€™, and Select with ā€˜leftā€™. These work great with Wacom.

Oops, new Error when returning from edit to object mode:
line 172 in modal
liine 359 in makeseldict
for v in bm.verts
referencError: BMesh

This seems to be related to adding to a selection with paint, box, or just click. if all components are selected with ā€˜Aā€™ key, returning to object mode doesnā€™t throw an error.

version 0.4.2

@ba_fjg : Ckey / Bkey selection fixed
tweak problems solved
Can you try if Edit2 now is solved? Information about this is too sparseā€¦

To all:

Its getting addictive trying to make this work well, I really wanna succeed!