[Addon] EWOCprojects presents EdgeTune3

Thanks again for being so responsive!

This causes a problem because a lot of the time I select a vertex in the middle of a mesh and want to slide it along the axis of one of the four edges that intersect it, but want to do so right over the top of one of the other three connecting edges. With Edge Tune, that swaps the active edge from the one you want to the one you are proceeding over.

I will be curious to hear about your impressions of Chromoly’s script. Heck, even if you just wanted to maintain that script for the future I would be ecstatic!

Double solution:

  1. you could already move off the last crossed edge and move your pointer around the geometry thats in the way without selecting anything else. then the edge will remain active and you can cross it again (mouse still pressed) some where else on the invisible “extended” edge beyond the obstructing edges
  2. when there is no way of using 1. then now (new version) you can also slide over the imaginary extended edge and as long as your mouse is on the imaginary edge when crossing obstructing edges, then focus will remain on the active edge and not switch to the obstructing one

Hope that works for you.

Just looked at Chromolys vertex slide and must say that its something quite different from EdgeTune, which is only vertex slide as a side-effect and really made for freehand drawing of edgeloops. I dont like the way mouse movement is absolute from the position you first invoke the script on and I dont see what else there is in Chromolys that could add anything to EdgeTune. Still, everyone its own…
And as far as maintaining it goes: time has to be divided over more directly fun projects (fun to me that is) and I must say Im not immediately charmed by Chromolys.

I fully agree that EdgeTune is significantly different and is good at different things. I just thought it might inspire some ideas for you. Clearly it had the opposite effect. I will try and reduce my troublesome suggestions from this point forward. :slight_smile:

Great add-on. Since it seems that you are on a roll with coding at the moment, maybe you’ll find time to replicate a script that I used extensively when modeling in modo - Seneca Menard’s Smart Quad, here is a demo gif - http://www.indigosm.com/modo/smartQuad-StripNEW.gif

I will try and reduce my troublesome suggestions from this point forward. :slight_smile:

Don’t be put off, you handed me some of the best ideas to improve my script!

Jesus christ that was quick. Testing it now.

Great! It does work very well!

Cleaned out code + extra comments.

Now works with AXIS_ANGLE object rotation mode.

Streamlined code: transforming view with auto-occlusion on is now faster on heavy meshes!

paleajed i cant activated the new version in the addons manager i click it and nothing

Sorry kakachiex2 if you have at least v3.1.0 there should be no problem activating it (are you using a special build).

Ironed out important bug that gave hectic edit behaviour: strange noone reported this one…

3.010 work the two new version dont work i cant activated it…

i can’t enable the new version [3.1, 3.1.1] the 3.010 works i dont know whay is doing this i use svn daily update

I just downloaded 48008 from GraphicAll : the addon enables without any problem ??!! :spin:

I downloaded build 48013 from graphicall and do the same i can’t enable it [3.1.1] any help please, i dont know what is causing this…

the only version that works is 3.010

did you check the console for error messages?

this is the console message

The error logs says you have multiple copies of the EgeTune script installed. Do a system wide search for “mesh_edgetune” and delete all copies that arent the one you want to keep. Do look at C:\Users\kakachiex\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.63\scripts\addons theres one there.