[Addon] Cycles Multi-Tile-UDIM non destructive painting

Hi Vertigos,

I have found a error to use your add-on clearly:
To change to paint or color or mask, your pdf said:
To paint over the mask, click there(color icon) and the active icon will change
In order to come back to color mode
click over the mask active icon

but there are a weird thing here.
When I am on GIMP or Photoshop, when I want to paint to a color layer, I click on the color icon and when I want to paint on a fusion mask, i clic on the mask icon so easy.
Not? :eek:

EDIT: Reading the paint layer name, I see you have made an error now!

Hello Spirou4D,

you are right, that was a coding decision because in that time I did not know how to do it in a easy way, I guess I just decided to carry on and take care of it later. And I forgot it completely hehe. I know what to use now, so I will change it as soon as possible :slight_smile:


Hi all french users of this amazing add-on,

La traduction est faite, le pdf est baké maintenant! :yes:
Traduction en français du manuel de l’add-on!

Merci Spirou :wink:

Pas de quoi @rattle-snake!
“You are welcome” comme on dit aux States!

same type of issue for me.

Hi Hideaki,

could you send me the blend file? It seems something related with the uv’s but I am not capable of reproducing that error.

I found the problem, solved! :slight_smile:

That happen when there is any vertex out from the maximum grid size. It was 5x5, now I have changed it to 9x9. I cannot do it 10x10 easily (naming problems) so I will change it within the next weeks. Anyway, if there is something out of that size, now it will show a clear error report.

Also, I have changed the way to swap between colour or mask painting. Now those two buttons are more intuitive and you have to click over the one you want to paint (in a logical way actually).

Please, download the new version from the same link (in the first post).


>>>Also, I have changed the way to swap between colour or mask painting. Now those two buttons are more intuitive and you have to click over the one you want to paint (in a logical way actually).

Top-Notch @Vertigos I wishes you a good day!
Bye bye

Hi @Vertigos,
Thank you for creating such a great plug-in, got it happy.
In learning to use the process, I found I can not create a new layer,
Each time you create will cover the first layer. Want to get help, thank you

Hi Vertigos,

I have this traceback with my new release of Blender 2.77 on linux 94b:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/patrinux/.config/blender/2.77/scripts/addons/vtools_multiTilePainting.py", line 2067, in draw
    selectedLayer = mainTree.nodes.active
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'nodes'


Hi Spirou4D,

that may happen when object does not have any material, I will take a look on it asap.
I have been working a bit on this addon during the last week and now it can paint over a transparent mesh. Currently, the base texture was always a base color and it fulls the mesh. Also I have modified the UI, I think now is more intuitive.

I have done that because I have been developing a system to animate 2D sprites to be exported to unity in a single image, and I wanted to add this layering capabilities (although that 2D animation system still uses internal and I do not know if it worth to change to this cycles layered system).

Anyway, I will take a look on it, add some control check and update asap.

Thks Vertigos for your reply…Bye bye.

Vertigos - That’s alright, I can imagine it would be pretty difficult moving that many times so quickly. I’m just glad you were willing to release the add-on in the first place :slight_smile:

Thanks so much for showing me that with the node groups, that’s awesome that it works already to have different maps. When I had been trying it out before, I think I must have been trying to do stuff with sets of layers that weren’t connected to any shaders. When you do this and start moving around layers in the UI, you start getting errors and strange behavior of layers disappearing in the user interface, so I just assumed it wasn’t going to work. If only I had looked into it a little bit further…

With being able to connect to the proper node, that sounds like it would work out well to have a switcher node. It will be neat to see what you come up with if it does. It will be great if you are able to add in that other feature as well. Again, if it gets too complicated though, please don’t think you have to add any of it in; it really is great just having what you’ve made so far. I’ll look forward to the next update. Thanks again!


Hello artists,

I have worked a bit on this addon and I think now is quite better.

  • Can create several layer sets (diffuse, normal, etc) and connect them to any node existing in the material node
  • No need to select any node to work with layers
  • Support for transparency planes (Sprites per example)
  • Now it is on the N-panel, so you can see layers and painting easier now.

This version is not compatible with the previous one at all.
I have not released it yet (I shall made some more tests) but I will do it tomorrow or the day after if you like this.

A quick video showing the new workflow:

^Hi Vertigos!
Wow, video is looking very nice and promising.

Hi @Vertigos,

Thanks for your sharing! Good job i must tested as quickly as possible…Full of work now, a future add-on very powerful.
At soon.

Very cool! That’s great you were able to get it working so well. I’ll enjoy testing it out when it’s ready. Thanks!

Hello guys,

I have been working on this addon a bit further and now (and finally) do not need to go into node editor for the most of the operations. You can deal with it from the UI.

I have recorded my screen while I was testing it. This is the video. It is not edited at all and I did some mistakes but you can see the most of the actions you can do. You can see:

  • New UI
  • Layer Set Creation and connection to any node you want
  • “Clipping Mask” filters (filters which only affect to one layer
  • Adjustment layers (filter layers)
  • New way to create and edit filters from the UI
  • Bake to layer

It is not released yet, because I need to create a proper video - tutorial which accompany the script, but if you are enough brave and want to test it, you can download the new version from here:

Hope you like it,

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