[Addon] Blend Library - Asset manager for materials, objects and nodes

@VincentG, your addon is very useful, please continue …

Nice work on the Addon. Was really missing.
I was building my library by importing materials I found around.
They usually come with presentations and other useless materials.
I thought it could be usefull to import forced user marked materials only (with eventually an option somewhere to de/activate this behaviour).

Also, git versionning is not that hard. You have few basics tuts around. With this you won’t have to reupload addon versions everytime, and other people could help too (eventually).
Great job anyway.


Thanks a lot for your script, though i’ve been experiencing some issues while installing it
This seems to be a “common” mistake but when I try to add and access the script in the addons manager in User Prefs, i got a mad console output :

I’m working with 2.72 and Win8
Any clue about this ?

Is it possible to preserve original material names, like scene has already material “Gold” and you append another object which has material “Gold” also, but it becomes “Gold.001”. Same material names are common cases when using materials library.

hey !! i’m gonna try this quickly…:wink:

I fix some bugs with relative paths : v0.3.2
It should work a lot better now.

And I add a button to display the file name directly in the datablock list.

hey. do you think that it’s posibble to make the script to link only the mesh not the object ? each time You have to make object a single user to move it otherwise it can’t be moved becouse the location of the object is linked.
also it would be great if it was possible to add a small thumbnail next to object name. I have a lot of objects and it’s hard to remeber how it looks.
I saw an old addon which shows what i mean (there’s a jpg on the right with such a thumbnail)

You can change the import to “Append” instead of “Link” and then it will make each import singer-user.

About the image preview, I’d like to use the new data preview feature of the 2.74 but I don’t know if it’s already available in the python api. Maybe someone knows something about it?

yeah but then when i change the model in the library file, it won’t get updated. and it will use more memory becouse it doesn’t behave as an instance.

btw i think i found a bug in 0.3.2 version. when i click the scan/update button the list is updated but adds the same set of models again, so if i had a set of 10 models and i press the scan/update button, I get 20 models. the script duplicates the model count each time i press scan/update. It didn’t occur in the last version (0.3.1).

Oh yes indeed, the update doesn’t clean the current list. I will fix it ASAP.

Why don’t you use proxy for the linked objets? or just add another object and then change the mesh data block to the linked one?

I updated the script file for the scan/update button bug. Just a comment I forgot to remove!

Hi is it possible to request …
1 ) toggle option to select only single blend file on a Folder
2 ) search button

ex. my folder named “Material” … with different Blend Files … Metals , Plastics , Stone , Organic
i want only to select only Metals.blend from my Material folder and it will import only Metals instead of all blend materials in a folder so the list will not be crowded

thank you

I’m getting an error while trying to import a custom composite node I made. Not sure if I’m doing something wrong or not.

awesome addon , but it is not working for me … it gives me error "list index out of range " , please solve it

Agree it’s awesome. It would be nice to add previews icons (implemented in Blender 2.76 already thanks to the file browser patch)

Hi VincentG!
I can’t use any of my shaders though they have loaded into window. When I press Append button this below error appears.

I’ve tried verious options and loaded shaders from different folders and partitions (C, D)

My Blender version: 2.76 (official release)

Also, I have this error when pressing import objects button (‘list index out of range’)

Oh sorry, it was a bug with Blender 2.76 but it is fixed now and I forgot to update the first page.

Here is the last version: http://vincentgires.com/tools/blender/addons/blend_library/v033/blend_library.py

Thanks Vincent!