A new OS specifically designed for blender

well once again theres alot of questions to answer, so ill do my best again to answer them… i couldnt get the OS ready last night (went to a party… sorry about that) but hopefully today i can get it finished.
when it comes to video drivers it already has the drivers for both nvidia and amd, additional drivers can also be installed for things like new graphics cards in the future pretty easily, although the default ones will upgrade themselfs whenever a new one is out (anyone who is used to ubuntu will recognise this feature)
for multi display, i know dual display works out of the box… 6 displays however i have no idea about (i havnt even got 6 displays to test it on) but i have kept the software center installed so that anyone can quickly search and install upgrades to the system (anyone that has used either android market or iphone store thingy will find themselfs at home immediately with this)

as for the guy with the mac, at least your not bowing down to Microsoft’s crazy ways of doing things :wink:

as for auto update of blender, eppo you dont have to worry about it nibbling away at your download data without you knowing, it will show up every time a new update is ready and let you decide wether to install or not.
as for the how its done, its linked directly into the blender daily builds, so every day it will check what version is currently on the computer and compare it with what is the latest, and if the numbers dont match it will ask you if you want to get the latest version, click yes and 20 seconds later (or depending on how fast your broadband is) it will be installed and you wont even realise that its changed :smiley:

as for the size, its about 900MB (higher than i was hopeing, but for all the additional features the size just kept growing, it was about 100MB for blender and all its libraries, about the same for gimp, and about the same again for chromium but of course these were nessesary for the OS to actually be useful for our needs :L

well the ETA will DEFINATELY be this week, the OS is actually finished but i had trouble with the live CD, although my computer that im building it on does have a very tempromental dvd-rom drive so i dont know if its the bootloader thats not setup right or its just my dvd drive :L

as for min system requirements take a look at this screenshot, its under minimal load atm, but i recommend that you have at least 1GB ram, and at least 1GHz dual core CPU - although remember this is a 64-bit OS so i really doubt that them reqs are too higher for many people with 64bit machines :stuck_out_tongue:

Yep, easy way’s never easy to find… And it fits on mini dvd so far too. Waiting for to play with iso :slight_smile:

Wow what an original idea you had 2 days after my alpha 1 release http://blenderboot.blogspot.co.uk/20...lease_138.html im on Alpha 2 now and it has a very up to date Blender build oh and Gimp 2.74 for single window mode oh and instead of deafult lxde i have highly customized Xfce because mine has nearly a whole months work gone into it so far. Even right now just after Alpha 2 release http://blenderboot.blogspot.co.uk/20...2-release.html im working hard away on improving it for my Beta release. Im not saying you can not do yours of course you can its free and open it just upsets me 2 days after my Alpha 1 you say you came up with the idea.

Bizla, if you manage to put Gimp 2.7 and Inkscape in this distro, you got a new fan here!
A pure graphics design distro.

Ah, important info: what Ubuntu version are you workin’ on? 11.10 didn’t like my lappy, probably a kernel issue because of some recent hardware.

Great idea!

@Carrozza Mine has Gimp 2.74 download here https://sourceforge.net/projects/blenderboot/ I may be adding inkscape to future versions when i get the .iso size down a bit more

Guys why don’t you collaborate ? what’s the point in having 2 similar projects when you can join forces and come up with better ideas faster ? common’ get along now !

@PaperJon, i had no idea you were working on the same thing as me, so dont make this a contest, its not a contest, im just trying to help out everyone, and if you have got gimp 2.7 then well done. but remeber this is not a compition and this was purely my own idea, if i wanted to steal someones idea then i wouldve made a better mac OS, just for the record, did you actually say anywhere on this site that you have made a new OS, because if i had seen it then i couldve saved myself a whole load of trouble.

@carrozza, yeah sorry mate it is based on 11.10, 11.04 wouldnt run my 8 core bulldozer so i went for the latest one, im still working on getting gimp 2.7 in, it a pain though because the repository for it is down and if i compile it from source code then i’ll lose the auto update feature, which is a lazy way of doing it, because i would then be counting on my users to have to compile each subsequent version themself lol

@rec, thats a good idea, but from the sounds of things this guy isnt the friendly team player sort :L

I agree with reC, it looks like both projects have very similar targets.
Perhaps that with some discussion you two could reach a common set of packages and settings, well suited for all blenderheads.
Apologize for stressing again the importance of Linux kernel being used, it makes quite a difference on hardware support.
Keep up the good work!

@bizla Im sorry i over reacted im on stronger meds last few days just upset me to see someone else doing something i put so much work into thats all. I am a very friendly person usually and im sorry i over reacted. I use the latest kernel as it has the best support for my hardware just like it does for you. I didnt post about here until today as I was not happy with alpha 1 so waited for alpha 2 to be ready. Soryy again and as i said in my original post you can do whatever you want and if you wanted to join forces i would even do that, as i said before over emotional because of stronger meds im sorry.

well i have sent the fella an email, stressing the fact that mine bring optimum power to 64bit machines, but no suppose for cloud storage or 32bit machines, so that really gives people a good choice aswell, if your running a 64bit machine and want raw power and unbeatable speed then choose mine, but if you need cloud storage perhaps if you like doing your work on multipul computers then his would of course be a good choice, im not going to try and make people choose mine over his, in the end it comes down to what people need, and im actually quite pleased that he is also working on a similar project as that means when i finish this i wont have to then go about creating more OS’s to try and keep everyone happy :slight_smile:
can you tell me what hardware you have? it will interesting to see what hardware ubuntu isnt supporting

Mine has support for both in fact while in alpha it is only supporting 64bit hardware so still no major differences but yeah its up to people what they want to download and you quite welcome to make as many blender os`s as you want i overreacted, i apologized and explained. Im sorry again and lets just forget this issue started at all i will work on mine you can work on yours and people can choose enough said no need for war.

I did even say i would work alongside you if thats what people thought was best, its just i doubt you have as much time as me because im out of work due to disability so have all the time in the world.

Bizla, I use an Asus N75SF and don’t know exactly why but only recent kernel distros are able to boot-up; for example Ubuntu 12.04 works fine while 11.10 doesn’t.

Carrozza same laptop and same issue here. From what I’ve read it’s because of the NVidia Optimus technology, only recent distro versions support it out of the box. Really looking forward to seeing new versions because of that…

Edit: http://fritzone.wordpress.com/2012/02/07/got-a-linux-on-my-asus-n75s/

@paper jon, thank you for being understanding, and funny enough im also out f work due to disability (blackouts a few times a day) so i have alot of free time aswell, im happy to share any ideas with you if you are also willing, maybe we could compromise and try to create our os’s to suit the needs of 2 specific people, for mine its just plain power, and yours seems much more of a full featured OS, im glad we can get along anyway.

@fax and carrozza, I see, when 12.o4 becomes fully stable i will see about updating the kernel of mine, untill its full release though i dont want to give out an unstable OS

@bizla Thanks and sorry to hear your disabled to as mine is designed for fast renders as well i dont really want to take away that feature its not a full feature os it just has bare minimum. All other software exists to help with Blender really for opening tutorials to read or video tutorials etc its very stripped down and only has a few more programs than yours and as I say they are needed for tutorials that people have like Blender training DVD`s etc. So I don’t really know how we can do this so we both do a different thing as I cant really change nearly a whole months work. We could just both carry on and do our own thing though, you can do whatever you want but I really don’t want to take away my performance features for rendering as I was testing it all for weeks.

of course, totally understand, ill put a link from my site to your site though so if anyones looking for a 32bit one or slightly more features then i will recommend yours :slight_smile:

Btw mine isnt the default LXDE desktop either hah, its a stripped down version lol

Lol as I have said mine is 64bit optimized there is no 32bit version until the beta is ready. Im happy to li nk to you when yours is ready though :smiley: When i was saying default i meant the way it looks thats all not offending you I just meant i have customized everything on mine and all the wallpapers are my renders etc.

with this blender your system is compiling is it precompiled with the latest ffmpeg(blender, winff, and other software to use ffmpeg can all use the same folder…so first the ffmpeg by itself is updated then all the software around it will be updated and configured to use the latest ffmpeg…)

or are you using the ffmpeg build that exist in the trunk/svn

is this blender compiled with all the cuda kernals as well(this goes against AMD but i do believe ur trying to reach to as many users as possible)…

can u tell us what stuff this blender comes with becuase when i attempted to copmpile blender in ubuntu 64bt i had difficulty in build it with certain features like OPENMP …etc

PS u and your competitor should combine forces…

PSS when is the release date and where can i find the download of this OS…(u could possibly make a wiki page under blender for your OS …(try it and see if it goes through))…

Cant wait…

@paperJon, no offence taken, well done on all your hard work completely recreating xfce aswell :slight_smile: and sorry i must have read it wrong haah.

@npm1, It all goes into the same folder, and all the outdated drivers/libs are deleted and replaced Automatically Aswell, as for the location of where they come from (if thats what you were meaning) it is the daily builds of blender, I cannot even say what features they include as every single day new features are getting packed into it or more bugs removed, But I can assure that they are the lastest features :slight_smile: It should also Include all the latest drivers needed for running cuda enabled cards (although since im and AMD guy I have no way of testing this out just yet)

As for a wiki, I have just (just this minute) finished its website, over time i will carry on building the website to something better, The OS is still in development But im hopeing to get it finished this week, If you head over to the website then you can sign up for the mailing list to be notified as soon as its released :slight_smile:

Hello, A quick update to let you all know that BlenderBuntu’s website is up and running, let me know what you think (its very basic right now though, but ive spent a bit of time on the logo so hopefully you will all like that) head over to the contact us page to sign up for the mailing list and you will be notified as soon as the OS is released :slight_smile:
