2005 Ford GT40

Wow, with this colors, the car is looking dangerous :slight_smile: Happy Holidays to you as well, Vicky.

Awesome! Merry Christmas! :slight_smile:

@harleynut97, minoribus, and ShadowCamero: Thanks guys! Hope you had a nice Christmas! :slight_smile:

Haven’t worked on this much over the holidays, but got some things done today, mostly bodywork and seats. I’m not going to get too crazy with the interior, as my PC is choking on this thing right now. It will be passable for the shots I have planned(I hope). Anyway, on to making the windshield wipers, and I should be rendering soon. :slight_smile:

Here’s a couple of clay renders of the body.

It’s looking very nice - you did a great job. ?? Are those color renders done with BI ?? I’m just askin cause I have a file with a bunch of those color shift materials, I rather like them.

Yes, they are all BI, and thank you! :slight_smile:

Just a quick shot with a sun. Still a few things to do yet

EDIT: A rear shot too:

Quick HDRI environment test in BI. Just seeing what changes I need to make to certain materials, and what additional lights I need to add. This is now just lit with a sun and the env map you see.


What a beast! Fantastic work Vicky, looking forward to seeing the final shot of this :slight_smile:

It really looks nice now that you can see some environment reflections.

This is really impressive Vicky. The shadows look right on considering the color and darkness and sharpness compared to the environment image. Your making BI look really good but don’t be fooled people Vicky is a pro:yes: Love the black and white by the way:) Although it seems an engine is missing and the wheels are a bit too dark and lacking a little reflection on the treads I think;) Just a few more things to put on the list I guess hehe.

PS Check out Greg Zaal’s website Adaptive Samples http://adaptivesamples.com/category/hdr-panos/ he has some great HDRI images you could try as well for the environment. I’d love to model you a real 3D environment but sadly my BI skills have probably left me a bit since I haven’t used it in quite a while:( I could model something and unwrap all the UV’s if you do the materials:) Let me know if your interested.

Really impressive work, Vicky. I’m working on a car model myself, and this is really inspiring. Saw your earlier wires and they’ve been very educational. Thanks!

@Trikz: Thanks a lot! :slight_smile:

@harleynut97: Thanks!

@DerekG1080: Thank you! The engine is in the back of these things, but I haven’t modeled it yet(and probably won’t). I am nearing the limit my PC can handle with just what you see here, and I still have some things to model even now, so it’s not going to get too crazy :stuck_out_tongue: As for the lighting, I haven’t added any additional area/hemi lights/AO pass yet, but I will surely add all of that stuff when I get down to rendering for real :slight_smile:
I had a look at Greg’s HDRI maps, very nice! I have a load of them already on my PC, not really sure which one I’m going with yet. We shall see! Thanks though for the offer! :slight_smile:

Face slap:) I completely forgot the engine was in the back, maybe just some simple black backing behind the front grill would give the illusion of the internal guts there:)

Haha! Yes, I will certainly cover up all of the Flinstone areas. LOL!

Playing with more environments, please disregard the incorrect shadows/lack of stripe on the bottom front/etc., it’s just a test. I have been doing more bodywork, but haven’t really touched it over the holiday. Hopefully this weekend it will be finished. BI render

Very nice work - inspiring and intimidating! I hope your computer can make it through to the end.

@FellOffthaTruck: Thanks a lot! I certainly hope it can too! :stuck_out_tongue:

Another quick shot, just the car, shadow, and background layers. I can finally work on this thing now that the storm stopped! :slight_smile:


Wow, simply awesome! Look at those lines and the car paint shader.

My two cents would be that the shadow could perhaps be a tad lighter and let us see some of the street surface. And is there a little bump in the curve over the left front wheel? Not sure about that, could also be an effect of the lighting.