0rAngE Sketchbook

Interesting art and characters. It’s nice to see the time lapses to see how you’ve created it.
Keep up the good work!

He’s adorable! Where can I get one? (0_0)

Very very cool!! Good work!

At your local walmart.

Dude - I love your work! This last guy with the (frog?) eyes is awesome! It’s inspiring to see this kind of work. Also, I am brand new at dyntopo and blender so your time-lapse gifs are very helpful.

I did have one question - you said in one of your posts that you took a sculpt from sculptris and moved it to blender. How did you do that? Do you have Zbrush/GoZ or is there another way?

Great Render, excellent Shader use

Congrats on getting a Sketchbook top row! Haven’t seen that before :slight_smile:

Sculptris can export .Obj files, Control E or in the 3rd section of buttons its the top one on the right, and Blender can import them, in the File Menu look for Import, in the submenu select WaveFront (.Obj).

Also this critter is terrific! He reminds me of someone who lives around my boat at times…

Great update man. The slime is a nice addition. The slime and his teeth could use some reflections imo, but please don’t take my comment serious.

Nice work!

thank you!

ooh. awesome!!

I like your sketchbook!

but he featured image looks like “mouth of sauron paired with a shark”…

If he’s anywhere as affectionate as a domestic dog I would run :eek:

The mouth itself doesn’t seem to be fully modeled as you can see the grey skin material showing through in the back (in the last pic.).

The only other thing is that the detailing in the eye texture doesn’t seem quite as high-res as the rest of the model (giving away the idea that it’s a photo slapped onto the eye).

love the mouth region

Hey nice creativity you’ve got there! The texture is good but the eyes are kinda odd for me. That looks fun to shoot at.

Great work! I have never seen a top row sketchbook before, so congratulations!

Looks very cool!, great design.

I have a question: how do you merge different meshes in one single mesh(like welding them)? I saw you used this kind of welding on your toon girl to put the eyelids and the ears.
I have tried some methods and failed but yours looks like you weld the vertexs of both meshes.

Admins | Thanks for the Feature Row plug! Much appreciated.

DMCT | Thanks. Glad you enjoyed the timelapses.
Quantum Anomaly | Coming to your backyarads Summer 2014!
BrunoCornelsen | Thanks!
Ewizza | Thanks on the kind words. I’m glad you find the timelapses helpful, makes it worth making them. The eyes on the creature are inspired by Tokay Gecko eyes. Dyntopo rocks!
As Mealea had already said, OBJ is a good file format to port a mesh between 3D apps. Most every app can import/export them. It also stores UV info and material (groups) info. You can use materials to port vertex groups etc.
ulliroyal | Thanks on the praise. I’m happy what what I got out of the shaders. It’s a step forward. Although I can’t really take much credit for that as I’ve used Microno’s (Redifined) SSS shader on everyhing there.
Blender Matt | Thanks!
MealeaYing | Appreciate the comments and helping out Ewizza.
Ranquin | Thanks on the input! Agreed, I was struggling with shaders on both. Gotta tweak that + I don’t have an environment reflection map and all reflections look weird without it. Gotta plug that in.
Benjamin Dod | Thanks
blackdot | Sweet.
payne | Glad you liked it.
Ace Dragon | Good advice … Run Anomaly Run.
The mouth is modeled fine, it’s the lighting and texturing that’s the culprit. Gotta just darken everything inside. As for the Eye texture, it’s HiRez enough, I got a shallow DoF that blurs it as the eye is quite further away from the DoF focus point.
pieriko | Thanks. In hindsight, I’d say probably inspired with some of JorduSchell’s work (I’m a fan of his sculpture and concept designs).
Atom | Thanks on the creative notice! Those eyes actually exist in real life, it’s a Tokay Gecko eye.
model man | Thanks.
estuardorosales | Thanks! Yeah I use that a lot. I use booleans for that. It’s a Modifier, you can find it under the Generate group, Boolean. It can be useful in poly-modeling as well, although you will most likely have to do some manual work arround it to make it right and not pinch when you subdivide. It’s a huge feature for the Dyntopo Sculpt environtment where you don’t care about topology.
you can get some help on it here:
There’s also an addon by MadMinstrel called ‘Sculpt Tools’ that (among other tools) makes booleans more accessible in the sculpt environment.

Hi I’m new to blender and I have a question. I’ve seen the great work in blender but I was wondering if the art and animation could be used as scenes in a video game ?