Yellow Seaplane in a Desert

Here’s an update. Have worked a bit on the composition. The hills are more faded in the background. And of course, the sweater was an obvious mistake. So i have turned it into some sort of a shirt that has collars sewn into it - well that’s my excuse at least for not remodeling the entire thing again anyway! I am largely okay with this - i know the desert terrain needs to be textured but the procedurals seem to be doing a pretty decent job here.

About the depth of field - a shot like this in bright sunlight will probably be taken with a very small aperture, hence a relatively greater depth of field. Also, a shallower DoF was resulting in loss of detail on the airplane. I spent far too much time on that to let that become very blurry.

Looks like i missed the shirt - still not dirty enough. Will fix that later. Meanwhile, feel free to comment/criticize. Thanks everyone for their inputs.

And here’s a wireframe render in case anyone’s interested:

I think you should make his elbows and collar dirtier.

The latest render #1 has a colder atmosphere (I mean the lighting) maybe you should keep it warmer, since the scene is placed in a hot desert.

Also, in terms of composition; maybe you could try to blur the hills a little bit in the background to see how it looks, since some details can be seen from the hills and this distract the view from the main focal points (character and airplane) :slight_smile:

The first thing that sticks out is the face. It does not match the character of the background. Great effort. Id like to see his face showing the emotion of the scene. Work on that. Textures are good. But the face looks like something Id do…Not good…Matt

@Luna: Have reworked basis your feedback. Posting the final image in the finished work section.
@Matt: The expression that i wanted was of startled curiosity - not sure how much of that i have got.

Anyway, i think i am done with this image after this. Time to move on. It can be found in the finished projects section. Hope it is liked.

Thanks everyone for their inputs.