Yellow Jacket Wasp


This is absolutely stunning! The amount of detail is tremendous!

Man, I hate these wretched creatures! I got stung on the bottom of my foot once, and let me tell you, it was really unpleasant.:stuck_out_tongue: I love this picture, though! There is so much detail packed in here! I think yellow jackets have a slightly more orange tone than this though.:smiley:

This looks natural and real.

Just like a photo, excellent details!

impressive. the details are beautiful. yellow would deserve more variation

ผมชอบผลงานชิ้นนี้เพราะพวกคุณใส่ใจลายละเอียดของมัน :wink:

In fact it is not far from the rélality but for me yellow is really too lemon for a wasp

Right now on my other monitor I’ve got a picture of a (I think it is called German wasp) wasp I took with a 90 mm Macro on a Nikon and it is so similar, so: great job!!!
Someone commented that the DOF was too shallow, but I disagree: the actual shot I took is f/13 (which is not unusual for Macro) and DOF is even shallower …
OK, with my lens I could have gone to f/64, but I would have had the flash to full, or ISO way up, diminishing light in the background.
In a perfect world, that might have worked, but your rendition is very realistic!

Deeply impressed, what is possible in Blender and by persons who spent a (lot?) of time to generate this phantastic picutres


I’m curious, are you with the same group as this guy who did it too?

So detailed, grats!

This is groovy <3