[WIP] LiDAR Point Cloud Importer with 3D Object Recognition

Hi all. Sorry to bump an old thread, but I’ve been getting a lot of emails (mostly from university students) about the plugin not working. I’ve been wrapped up with work lately, but I had the day off today and wrote up some detailed install instructions on the GitHub page. They’re mostly for Linux users, but should be easy enough to translate to OS X and Windows as well. I’m not sure why, but the main problem seemed to have been the installation location for the liblas python module. I was installing the module into the sites-packages directory before and it must have worked (which afaik is where 3rd party stuff is supposed to go), but now it seems to only work if placed in the python3.5 directory as outlined.

Anyways, if you guys use this importer, feel free to let me know how it worked out for you. I might take some more time to extend it a bit, but the basic import of the pointcloud data should be fully functional now and working with 2.77. Hope it helps.

Here’s another screenshot of a Mount St. Helens import to show it in action. Enjoy! :slight_smile:


Here’s a screenshot of a Mount St. Helens import to show it in action. Enjoy! :slight_smile:

Hi, thank you for your work and help.
Tried with pip install to get the 1.6.0 version, it worked in system python but not for blender (tried to copy both to python3.5 and site-packages). Tried to compile but it somehow fails. Looks like it’s only for VS2008 and Blender requires 2013. Also tried to get the libs from OSGeoW64 but it doesn’t have the python bindings. If someone could help, it’s welcome.

On Linux it works following the steps you give, thank you :slight_smile:
I don’t see the options for object recognition and mesh generation. Where could we find them?

Hi, thank you for your work.
Could the basic import of the pointcloud data be fully functional -and working- with 2.8 please ?

Hi all

I am pretty curious about LiDAR for interior design use - digitizing a space and meshing the cloud points so I could rebuild the space accurately in Blender.

Does anybody here have some tips for what DIY hardware and software to get?