Windows 10: A Step Back toward 1984 and Big Brother?

A link to a recent piece of freeware that allows one to disable many Windows 10 tracking mechanisms.


Apparently it doesn’t take care of everything, but tackles a lot.

i NEVER really cared for “freeware” on windows that DOSE NOT have full source code

WAY TOO MANY people have been PWN’ed and FUBAR’ed by so called “freeware”

WHO!!! makes “DoNotSpy10” ??? and WHY!!! should ANYONE even think of installing a unknown program

I agree with you John, I don’t know much about it myself, caught it on Yahoo’s news reel and thought I’d share. Heh, if it is malware it couldn’t be any worse than Windows 10 itself :smiley:

Not an attack on you personally Ace, but this is really drivel. However, there is a serious point in there about professional vs basic users. You can’t convince basic users to pay for “apps” and other junk because they don’t care. The only way you can convince them to use it is to let them have it. Professionals pay a lot of money for their software because it’s vital. A business wants their software to work with minimal effort, they will gladly pay any amount for that. So will a professional.

Microsoft has decided to cater towards basic users more in Win10 because they are finding a balance where they can profit off of professionals AND basic users. I deeply dislike this but it is NOT because nobody pays these systems and services. Microsoft wants the greatest percentage of users profitable end of story. You can oppose this by switching to Linux/Ubuntu etc or be active in the community that opposes Microsoft’s current practices.

I feel your inclusion of facebook, tablets, EULAs and targeted ads really dilutes the conversation, but I believe I understand your underlying point.