Warm interior

great modelling and lightning …but the cupboard does not have door handles and knobs…by the way every time i render in indigo some errors comes out …and i wonder why is that so can you please help me ??

Moved to the gallery.


insane. ^^ you are great :slight_smile: btw. where are the textures from? are they painted or did you use photo images?
happy new year :wink:

Lol at all those who think this is a photo! you can tell it’s not because…er…you just can!
Superb piece of work however.

veery nice… if u showed the low-res picture somewhere where i wouldn’t know that there might be a sign of a 3D software, i would call it a photo.

and btw, i think that “Moved to the gallery” response is the biggest ‘prize’ that anyone can get here on the BA forum.


It looks great enricoceric. The wood texture for the table, chairs, and cupboard all look the same to me though.

geforce I can help you if you want, just send me a pm.

Nice lighting, great inspiration to use indigo, is there a easy to follow, blender to indigo tutorial yet?

No but just download indigo 1.04 and blendigo 1.04, a Google search will bring them up, theres a lighting tutorial, blendigo tutorial and that’s all you need.

the light behind the plant would be my only crit. I’ve never seen light “void” a corner like that…its almost like a hole in the picture…had it not been shining on the plant I would have thought it was just missing pixels or something lol.

First of all I would like to wish all the best to everyone for this new year !

The purpose here was mainly to rediscover Indigo as I didn’t used it for a long time and waiting for the next Yaf(a)ray version. I think it’s really a geat and mature product, quite simple to use and really faster than the previous versions thanks to the improvements made by Nick (OnoSendai) during these last months, like Exit portal.

I know that this is not as good as it could be, I could have used different textures images for the wood and improved the light but the photorealism was not the main goal and if the result is near a photo it’s just because Indigo, like any other unbiased render engine, produces such results.

I used Blendigo to convert the scene from Blender to indigo format. This script is very intuitive and the provided indigo documentation should be enough once you feel good with shaders, light and texture settings. Of course usage of Exit portals or mesh light needs some extra explanations.

I’d like to give you just one advise. Indigo is very sensible to normals and wrong normal values could really affect the result for transparent objects as well as smoothed meshes. So check the normals and use CTRL-N to get outside normals when required or CTRL-A to apply changes and set normal values in proportion to the object size. This may probably explain why the plant in the lighted corner of the scene is so dark. BTW this is also applicable to Yaf(a)ray scenes.

Thanks again to all

I don’t need to see a wireframe, but if you did post it I would look. I’d much rather see your Blendigo settings, and maybe posting a blend file so the rest of us can learn what you know! :slight_smile:

Very nice render!!! Love it.

Download Indigo 1.04 from here…

Download Blendigo from here…

A simple tutorial for Blendigo… (It’s for Indigo 0.7 but most settings are the same)


It is great. I love the mirror ^^.

amazing textures…good modelling almost photorealistic…definately 5 stars

It’s not a photo, but as squigly said, guess thats a compliment, really nice render, dont mean to be picky but whats the light source that hits the plant and then the wall, looks kinda out of place, but yer just my opinion

This is great! The part I do admire the most here is the subtleness of the wall material, very relaxing. Though there’s no apparent texture on it, it seems to overpower the other materials and textures in terms of appeal. :slight_smile:

This is, I am still convinced … :wink: :wink: … a photo. And a good one. The only serious glitch in it is the overexposed rectangle behind the plant, which could be doctored in 2D.

The tonal range across this “photo” is simply superb. (And that, btw, is what makes the only “error” in it … the wall behind the plant … jump out.) And that’s fixed with ten seconds of PhotoShop or GIMP.

Five stars. 'Cuz I ran out of stars. This is what we’re shooting for in a good neutral interior.

If it wasn’t for the fact that the furniture has no dust on it, I would swear up and down that this is a photo. Amazing. 20 Stars.

is really useful for me, I am glad to read it here.

Ahhh breakfast there would be amazing