Very realistic sun studies for architects

Hi guys,
The newest 2.65 release did indeed break the script while trying to access user preferences for map zooming. Campbell changed the way addons are loaded restricting locations in the script where bpy data can be accessed. Other external scripts have also been broken. The message from Campbell can be read here.

Also note that the sun position addon is not part of the regular Blender package and must be downloaded again when major revisions occur or moved from the old directory to the new scripts directory. It is slated for contrib addons but is not there yet.

The newest version is 2.02 and should work with the 2.65 release. It can be found at the blender…/Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/3D_interaction/Sun_Position

Thanks Xaire! This addon is a life saver for architects…!

I would integrate this add-on in Blender that’s how awesome it is !

'Tis the 6th day of Christmas, so I bid you Merry Christmas.

There was yet another change to the Python API which I didn’t know about when I did the last fix on Dec. 22.
Anyone using Blender 2.65 starting with revision 53207 would get ‘callback’ errors.
The change of course broke this and any other addon script not in trunk that makes use of callbacks.

And so reC, I’m with you in hoping that they’ll integrate this as a full-fledged addon and takeover code changes.
Its no fun waking up to find something you thought was finished is never finished.

The new version 2.04 will only work with Blender 2.65 r53207 and greater,
that is unless the core code is changed again.
If you are using Blender 2.61 r43774 to 2.65 r53206 you should get version 2.03.
These are both available at:…/Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/3D_interaction/Sun_Position

Happy New Year

I’m having no luck with loading this add-on into 2.65 on Mountain Lion. Someone has kindly offered the Snow Leopard solution that demands the zip file is unopened for installation but this doesn’t work in Mountain Lion.

Any suggestions? (I am a relative newbie to Blender). Thanks

thanks xaire for the update, this has been broken for me for a week or so…
it’s a nice and useful script but I doubt it can go trunk until you strip some of the heavier map images

Everybody, Xaire’s post of 22 Dec 18.57 solves the Mac OS-X 10.8 Mountain Lion problem with the new link as long as you install the zip file unopened as users of Snow Leopard understand. :slight_smile:

Wow, missed that feature from ArchiCAD and Cinema4D.
Thanks a lot this is awesome.

Thanks for the comments guys.

Sorry maccus that you had troubles. If ever this addon makes it to trunk, that type of thing shouldn’t happen
as code changes will be made before release.

liero, I agree about the image sizes as detrimental as downloads take 2.7mb.
So what to do?

Two things for one last version before the new year:

  1. Hopefully no one will take it amiss if I remove the two largest map images
    which reduces the addon down to 460KB making it more appealing for trunk.
  2. Animations can now be made without the need of keeping the Properties panel visible.
    So if the Sun panel is enabled and an animation is started, key-framed sun position values and objects
    should update properly when switching to any other screen or panel.

As with the last update, this new one will only work with Blender 2.65 r53207 and greater.
Version 2.05 can be had at:…/Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/3D_interaction/Sun_Position

Cool, thanks for your effort and a happy new year !

Kind regards

For those wanting to be able to synchronize HDR textures with a sun lamp, version 3.0 is now available at:…/Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/3D_interaction/Sun_Position.
The image below shows the sun panel when in Sun + HDR mode. The easiest way to line up the sun with a texture is:

  1. Select an environment texture
  2. Select whether Mirror Ball or Equilateral
  3. Select sun lamp
  4. Press the “Sync Sun to Texture” button. This will cause a lat/long image of the HDR texture to appear in the 3D View. As with the world map, you can zoom, move it etc. Simply move the cross hair to where you want to bind the sun then press right mouse or Esc.
  5. The Lamp and texture are now bound together. Go into Cycles preview render mode and move the rotation slider.
  6. That’s it. Happy Blendering.

It would be great if plugin could read values from hdri and place sun lamp where the highest values are found.


Thanks a lot xaire :slight_smile:

I think that some type of overlay system needs to happen, like some of Gimps code…

So I can say “this new map” is “this brush” over layed on “this old map” in real time

I can do just about anything with it once it is here,
Editing a displacement map in game -> awesome

this problem could be solved with it as well,
and shadows…

You are brilliant Xaire!

Not so very ejnaren as shame facedly :frowning: there’s was a bug in v3.0.0 which effected the Z rotation :spin: in a sky texture when switching from Sun+HDR mode to Normal mode. Sorry.
Happily though :D, its fixed in version 3.0.1.

@^ Dont worry! The :spin: makes up fore it!! :smiley:

Thank you xaire so much for this wonderful plugin. This should go to the trunk :slight_smile:

hi ! the new Hosek/Wilkie sky type is not working with the add-on in 2.69 !

thanks a lot ! so interesting !