Van Gogh hair (part II)

Bravo Giuseppe! :slight_smile:

i like it.

Amazing ! it’s really interesting to see the difference that the depth makes ! congrats !

Now I have seen everything! Amazing look, something many of us would never had thought of, and I expect many will soon try experimenting with. Feels good to see that there are frontiers to push out and new paths to forge in 3D art.

Bravissimo, complimenti!! Tecnica unica ed originale!

Van Gogh would be proud. :smiley:

Very cool! Great work!

Brilliant work, highly imaginative! To me it either looks like grass blowing (such as on a mid-western plane) or countless slices from sticky notes–you did an incredible job with these.

I love van Gogh. You did a great job capturing the essence of his works, while giving them such a neat effect. Nice job!

These are amazing! I can’t stop to look a them!
They looks better than originals to me!

go on and on. cool stuf

Great stuff! Very nice indeed.

Wonderful! I would love to see this as an object in the real world.

Crazy gorgeous! I would also like to see you tackle pointillism. Keep up the great work.

Van God this is great :slight_smile:

Really great stuff. Congrats!