Valve / Blender Market as Main Sponsors of Blender

@krice exactly a 0$ entry ., which happens to have really good modelling tools and very good texturing.
also the BGE is awesome to get a prototype up and running, but maybe not build the entire game around because of it’s targets limitations.

Just ask :slight_smile:

No, the 30% does not go to the dev fund. The 30% goes towards covering our cost to maintain and development the market. Costs include server, web development, and most of all man-hours. Currently the market brings in enough to cover about 1/3 of it’s actual cost. We’re in it for the long haul.

Note: most of the CGCookie products do contribute to the dev-fund, in the same way that many vendors have opted to. For example, 5% of each RetopoFlow sale goes to the dev-fund.