USA studios that only use Blender?

Hey Indy

there is some truth to it. SketchUp started first also as a toy and grew into what it is today but for SKP it was easy because there was no app like it before. Blender well has a lot of competition.

The word blender, as has been shown in this thread is an emotionally charged word. General job seeking advice. Be careful if and when you use such words.

Once you delve into troll worthy emotionally charged topics, You move from the realms of reason to the arena’s of knee-jerk reactions. And something to keep in mind isa little gem from scam art 101 (you can look this up in psych books as well if you want ), Once you can get someone to pay for something you will find they will do more to convince themselves it is the best thing in the world then the person who sold it to them in the first place. And a fact to keep in mind is the studio’s who use autodesk products pay out the nose for them, And are highly emotionally invested in said products. If you present them with evidence of any ilk that they may of made a poor decision then it is not your skills that they are looking at. It is their own cognitive dissonance they are attempting to resolve as quickly as they can. And it will not be to your benefit if you are the source of it. Unless you have one hell of a game.