Update Latverian robot

That looks really cool. Great metallic material! Have you considered rendering it with cycles?

http://translate.google.es/?hl=es&tab=wT precioso me lo podrias pasar quiero hacer una cosa con el xD

I’m just starting out even though I’ve known of blender for sometime. It amazes me how much talent is out there. I’m not sure I’ll ever get this good. Great job!

How does he notify people that he is replying to them, then? Is there a way to tag posts?

this is looking pretty awesome, ah, gotta get more on that hard surface modelling :slight_smile:

It memembers me the general griberius. good work

I like the brushed somewhat worn metallic look of the mech. What’s really nice is it’s looks like they are just waiting for orders in a relaxed pose. :slight_smile:

Impressive robot, that spine of his looks both flexible and strong. I liked the balance between details and simplicity in the design.

I was just wondering, how many hours you have spent modeling this robot?

Gotta love a well designed and executed mech.

Awsome, this is the best i’ ve seen sofar, trough my tour.

Could I use these images for a mod? i intend to change the login screen to something more awsome, and my eye saw this, and I was amazed!

WOW!! just amazing, great work dude.

looks amazing wow!

I’m impressed with the posture of the robot. The stance is very believable. The structure makes it look week and flimsy, but then you see it standing there and I imagine a super agile and powerful machine. Amazing work.

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U have inspired me…kudos!

Curious about the second image - the “Model Sheet” - did you produce that in Blender with Freestyle, or some other application?

I think more people should make robots in blender

Really nice work.

I think that’s a very pretty looking robot, how long did it take you to make it?

Awesome work. I’d love to see some animations using this piece of tech.