Update Latverian robot

sorry sir i will not do that again sir PlantPerson! thanks!

nice work …you in your military camp while posting this ?

Love the robot, very impressive modeling and shader work. That decuple post though was… interesting.

nice work man,

p.s you don’t have to ‘yes sir’ ‘no sir’ everybody, I know it is the polite way to go but this isn’t the army

Wowsie! Great model and amazing atmosphere in that render! Can’t wait to see this guy move!

Very very nice, but I think it would look better with the 2 tone colour scheme implemented. Your version is a bit too matt if that makes sense.

Added to the gallery.

Hi hcortz
Im really curious how did you make this cool-fancy metal shader? Is there some hdri map in reflection ? Or just correct placement of lights and material’s specular settings?

I really like this robot :smiley:

Nice art, are those banshees from halo?

Edit: oh i see what you did, nice layer job.

Stunning work Hcortz. This must have taken you a while to do.

Very cool! I really like the scene with all the other stuff.

Looking great. Sir, can you please give me the .blend file?
Thank you

Everytime I see this model I tell myself “You can do it!”.

Things like these totally inspire you and enables you to find the energy and motivation to press on with your own practices. Kudos.

very good job keep it up

wow. the material is very good!

Great job anyway

That is just so cool. You should render it with HDR reflections :wink:

Kinda reminds me of the combat suit in the end of district 9, looks awsome, and the textures look great.

THAT ROBOT’S AWESOME no doubt about it.

I LOVE your Robot so much! can i have a copy of the blender file if you don’t mind? Am talking about the completed file with color