Up to 4x speed for AMD rendering

Not implemented yet!


I thought I seen it mentioned somewhere that it is possible but that it is slower and buggy in some cases?

Hi seanser, read first post again, you have to edit kernel_types.h in Blender source code and recompile iirc.

Cheers, mib

Thanks mib2berlin. I wonder Is there a build available anywhere where this has already been done? I see this tutorial http://blog.machinimatrix.org/building-blender/ but my internt is not so good at present, it would take forever to download everything that is necessary.

Thanks mib2berlin. I wonder is there a build available anywhere where this has already been done? I see this tutorial http://blog.machinimatrix.org/building-blender/ but my internt is not so good at present, it would take forever to download everything that is necessary.

I’ll do a new build next week or the week after with my transparent shadows and viewport patch.

That’s fantastic, thanks very much Bliblubli!

I’m pretty sure transparent shadows work with amd now. I have to double check. It’s in the newest drivers. But I could be wrong.

Edit: Works only on single plane. Any depth and it gets strange.

Edit2: It’s completely broken. :confused:


Is there a build somewhere?

Hi, link is in first thread.

Cheers, mib

I was thinking about that one with transparent shadows for amd…

So transparent shadows on AMD card working now? i tested with 2.76b experimental mode and it is not accurate, is there any build to test?

Big +1 on this, I think all Opencl users would be extremely grateful!

Could you code volume material for Amd GPU compute?

deleted wrong thread

Guys have you tried with AMD on viewport render? i am using 2.76b and at first it did not work on viewport render, but yesterday it is working on viewport! strange

What do you mean?

Blender viewport render with AMD graphic card, “Viewport shader -> Rendered” like wireframe in viewport change it to rendered.

It doesn’t work when rendering. The viewport render works on planes when it feels like it.

Here’s the render from viewport I did long time ago.

Blender 2.77a with latest driver from AMD (16.4.1) now work with transparent shadows and it’s fast. Viewport is also much faster. Not as fast as Bliblubli’s build, but already really good. It’s with experimental kernel at the moment. Actually it’s the way I discovered it by testing the new microdisplacement code. And it works damn fast :smiley:
1:25 for the BMW scene on a core i5 3450 with r9 280x 3gb with experimental kernel !