Ubershader v4.0 - New Release 5/24/2013, Come and Get It!

I assume you mean the Fresnel Coefficient? It doesn’t use true IOR, but the Fresnel input from the layer weight node instead. If you open up the layer group it’s laid out conveniently so that the necessary nodes to change this to your liking are separated from the rest to the left. You can change to “facing”, which I personally like more (but enough people requested that I change to true Fresnel) or you can plug in the Fresnel IOR node for measured IOR values.

Thank you very much for your shader.
I’m a newbee learning blender lately and I’m having difficulties installing/appending your material.
So I append then browse to the material folder (material and matarial.001) select them both and blender does add them but they are just plain diffuse shaders. Am I missing a step ?

thank you !

I’m not a newbie but I’m not sure what we’re supposed to be appending, either. To my credit, I have never really had to append anything before.

There should be a UberShader3.000 material (forgot to rename Ubershader4.000?). I’m not sure if you’re supposed to just append that or also append all the nodegroups as well.

It’s extra confusing since there is a nodegroup actually named Ubershader4. Is that a sign that the material is an incorrect old version but the nodegroup is right?

Depending of how you prefer to work, you can either append the Material or the NodeGroup.

Then either Select this Material or add this NodeGroup to you Material.

I’ll do some cleanup of the .blend and repost. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.


Should be all fixed. And, hey, bonus. Skin shader node is in there too. Might not be the latest version though.

Thanks !
Got it working .


I want to warn that something is wayyy off with the newest release, I need to go through and figure out where I messed it up. I’ll upload as soon as I get it sorted out.

Sorry for the delay folks, bug should be fixed now.


very nice shader I wish i could have it in blender by default under the drop down. This shader makes life so much more logical.

Alright, here’s the newest version. There was a big bug with transparency due to a misunderstanding of the Holdout BSDF documentation on my part. Every bug I’ve encountered has been fixed, all weights are proper, and all color math seems to be in line with what is expected from the aiStandard shader. Enjoy! Please let me know if you encounter any issues. Also, keep an eye out on blendercookie for a training series on node groups and this ubershader in the coming days!


larmannjan, Thanks for the kind words! I’m glad people are getting good use out of it.

Hey everyone,

My tutorial series on building and using the Ubershader is available now on Blender Cookie!


Wow… great job on the tutorial Matt, I’ve just watched pt 1 and heading back to learn more. This looks like a wonderful new addition, I’m really glad you took the time to make the tutorials.

Yeah, it’s really a great shader, and nice tutorial. Thanks for that! :slight_smile:

Thanks for a very useful shader and an informative tutorial. I would like to see more tutorials on ‘noodle’ theory.

As you released the Ubershader4 I noticed that each successive release and bug fix got smaller. Do the latest version supersede the older version 4’s or does each need to be appended?

Anyone could achieve an falloff material effect like vray with ubershader?

Each new release is a whole new version meant to replace the last. Older versions are obsolete.

Do you mean this effect?

m9105826 : Not sure if rod was talking about Vray dirt texture, and not sure it’s really feasable for now with cycles material node but it could definitly be a good addition to your shader (or in blender in general).
Example i made in 2 click, combining Vray dirt texture with a random dirt map (assigned to Vray dirt radius).


I am sure that I am missing something small, but for some reason when I load this shader into blender 2.67 everything is purple. The light, the monkey, the backdrop and the world. The preview window is perfect and looks beautiful, but the render itself is funky.

Can someone please explain?