Tropical island Demo

This is my first attempt at making a realistic underwater scenery for my demo Tropical Island.
What do you think about it?

Wow! This looks so cool! The sky looks cool too!

The underwater scenery looks very atmospheric. I Hope we will see more of that. :slight_smile:

I think those blue colors are too saturated, they don’t look natural IMO… maybe the greens should be desaturated a lil bit… looks promising BTW. Keep the good work!

Thanks guys!!!
I’ve got a problem with fish, now they are just moving around with simple motion actuator, but I want them to interact in 3d world with everythnig underwater.
How can I create a simple AI that will move in 3d world avoiding obstacles?
I’ve done some test using rays, but fish gets stuck all the time somewere or they ignore obstacles.

Another update of my file. This is a Fish AI test. All fish uses 4 radar sensors to navigate in water, and avoid collision movement is random. There are still some glitches, some fish get stuck or ignore obstacles.

you are starting to make me like blender even more and more
love the work Keep it up.

Your textures spark up the graphics they are pretty impressive.

Some new videos. I’ve worked a little bit on fish models, and textures. Also almost all fish are riged to move tails.

love the graphics, foliage is awesome, you put allot of detail into the underwater scene nice work…

parent a cone to the head,

the newest version of blender has callbacks to get the contact point (check physics visualisation in 2.74) you can see the contact points.

this is like having a radar sensor that returns the hit point…

collision-------steer away or to contact point depending on property

This is amazing! I hope you are still working on it!

Yes, it is still under development. Now I am checking all what was done and optimise it. I’m trying to keep underwaterscenery close to real life, but there are still isues with performance.

All I have to say is watch the first video, then the most recent and the difference is just amazing! It really has come a long way and looks great!