Tree Of Life Has A Different Meaning

Muscles are much too defined. Even lugging around that glass jar all day wouldn’t get you ripped like that. especially in a post-apocalyptic environment where I imagine good nutrition might not be as easy to come by.

Newest update

yes! yes! yes! You are on the right track, but the details on the vest are still stretched. Also i have a hard time seeing his legs :wink: Are they still there?

Yes, the legs seem to be quite missing. I had modeled legs for him, but they didnt look well, so i postponed it for sometime and worked more on the overall. I’ll get back to the legs right away though :wink:

The legs have been modeled and will be posted soon

I love the scene; it tells an intriguing story. Something about the right arm looks a bit off though. The shoulder is perhaps too small and the forearm has an oddly bulging muscle.

The right arm needs some work, I will admit that. I will get on that as soon as I come back from school tomorrow.


nice work with the post-pro! this is a really cool lookin’ image
If you’re going to work on the arm a bit more, here are my thoughts on it:
-the width of the elbow area seems too thin compared to the bicep
-the deltoid looks very small compared to the size of the bicep

so maybe make the elbow silhouette thicker, the deltoid bigger, and the bicep a little smaller?

This is what I have worked on the arm so far. I worked on this prior to your suggestions, Jeepster, so I haven’t accumulated your opinions on this yet. However, I did work on the deltoid and made it about 1.7 times the mass it was before. Here is a visual update.

A very very quick render

The veins look unnatural. I’ll need to work on that.

Nice! I think the deltoid changes really helped

Yes, the arm looks much more natural and balanced now. The diffuse glow around the figure helps account for the lack of sharp shadows. I like it. The character’s proportions are a little bit cartoonish, but it works.

The proportions were purposely done cartoony. See, I was never good at cartoony style, so I thought that, in this project, if I push myself enough, I could make it look cartoony. Plus, I had a realistic concept and a cartoony concept and the latter seemed to look like one that would be best, considering my curfew on time. But thanks guys!
