Tim Burton's : Sleepy Hollow

This is looking really good. The modelling in particular. I’d say that it would help the realism if you add some grunge to the materials though. Nothing too severe, but just enough to create a bit more variety.

Ill look forward to seeing the progress on this.

EDIT: ignore that, I only read page 1… In regards to the white wall:

i think the problem is that it is too uniform. Try getting a grunge image and place it on the model using a second UV layer. Then use this image as a mask, separating the white wall with a black/brown diffuse. Use a colour ramp to adjust.

sorry if this is not very clear, but I can’t get to my computer at the moment to grab a screen shot.

Hope it helps though.

Thanks Monk, I’ll see what I can do.
Never used a second UV or mask layers, other than BI/Cycles mixes in comp.

I am not sure how “real” I want these to look just yet.
My running plan is to make miniatures out of them as if they would be used in table top gaming.
So real, just not too real. Of course that could change and I go all in with a detailed terrain for them all.

…and the cemetery side.

Looking good :slight_smile: can’t wait to see it all done.

I love this sort of modeling. These buildings do a lot of storytelling on their own.

Primary modeling completed.
Now to get all the little bits textured.

Thank you both. Very happy some of you are enjoying these. :slight_smile:

Small update of some things I worked out over coffee this morning.
Better material for the reeds. Got the decking in and started on the siding, which I sort of like as is, we’ll see.

Finished up the bridge this evening.

My apologies for claiming the last post was a finished render.
Turns out I had forgotten to add a few things. Anyway here is the final model in clay.

Rendered this out last night.

Went ahead and started a master file so I could verify scale and start working out the layout of town.

That’s some amazing work, Anthony! Do you use any sort of reference material within the software – like a background image?

Thank you brainfire. I am not using any backgrounds to work off of inside of Blender.
I am free wheeling the modeling and scale based off of best guess dimensions from HD screen grabs of the film.
The first build was the one with the most detail available in the grabs so I took the base tile for that building once completed and scaled it to what looked appropriate for the next structure. Lather rinse repeat.
In the end I am building each from a max of maybe 3 good shots, a couple of the buildings are single frames or worse, and working the rest out on my own.

Keep watching much more to come.

Started trying to figure out a table top plan.
Can not decide if I like the cloth sim or if I want to try and emulate Styrofoam blocks that have been craved up and painted.

so you are going to built a whole little town? amazing. i particularly like the non-textured renders of the buildings, since they all have so well proportion and interesting form…, a big project, fun :slight_smile:

hey we were wrting our posts at same time… i vote styrofoam blocks

Hey, thanks a lot doris. Yes it is a very ambitious project but since it changes building to building it does not feel like it so much.
I think you are right, foam blocks are the way to go. Will look much more like a real gaming table.

Going to call the church finished now.

And because they went largely unnoticed in the finished forum here are the finals for the undertakers.

and the clays

This was a quick one, just a few yard pieces to make for it and it will be complete.