[Theme] rTheme

Definitely a fengshui-theme!

Thank you very much! Very good, nice theme!

@ PLyczkowski:
I think this is the right place to inform you about problems with this theme.
Today I was using the curve editor for the first time with rTheme and I noticed that some of the curve colors are practically invisible on the grid. You might want to change them.

Edit: I fixed this for me by setting the curve window background to the same value as the source list background. Looks much better.
Additionally I changed the vertex size to 6 and the handle vertex size to 4 so they’re never partially hidden by the green selection cross. You want to be able to see them at all times.

(While I was at it, I also darkened the active channel group color on the dope sheet and curve window down to #709269. Makes the white text a lot easier to read.)