Thea 1.4 is Released!!

Hey guys, thanks for the mention and hello to my old friend Michalis you are a legend (always told you that).

@Alain, I hear you and agree my shadows can be a little dark, I like the contrasts, I use a CRF (Agfa color 100 crf) just a personal preference, without it I’m sure it will look a little more realistic.

These are just personal works, stuff I enjoy, please do not rate or judge Thea by my skills, there are so many better artists than me that can make this amazing product sing the way I can only dream of achieving.

Give it a try and see for yourself.

@Alain, by default Thea creates rather neutral render result nor it does sharpen renders. So there is room for post pro. Maybe that partially explains your impression as images selected to gallery are, for my understanding, pretty much raw renders to show what the engine and material system is capable, not to show post pro skills of artists.

I know is a little old post,
but testing the demo of Thea 1.5 I can say:

using CPU + GPU oh my…just the examples, benchmarks scenes…is fast very very very…fast…