The small won't eat the big

wow! your rig is impressive!

Hi BArt,

It’s been a while.
Thank you so much about that.
I will, as soon as possible post my animation reel including the final render and the rigg overview with dynamic muscle deformation.
I will also make a short tutorial to show this specific tips and will, for sure, post it in BlenderNation news.

Thanks a lot for your support everytime.

Fantastic work!! :cool:

On some parts of the animation i see that the body lose gravity a bit too much. That leaves at some moment the hands looking not coming along with the body movements.

Check some parkour videos on youtube and see how they move a bit.

:slight_smile: Render and modelling looking good!

Very impressive work. Love the final still. Keep it up!

Conratulations Pierrick! Well deserved feature. I spent some time analysing the render and everything look fantastic. I’m waiting for the finished animation. Knowing your ultra speed workflow it may be ready tomorrow ;).

Hi Paule,

yeah, as I told you render was done 2 weeks ago but I need to find the time to make postprofuction on these 5Gb png sequences :(.

i’m really laking of time lately. See you soon

Great Job…AGAIN :slight_smile: Love the animation!

that animation render will be awesome!

He great Work! Stunning animation, the PC game heart of darkness popped to my mind, maybe because of the 2D-Feeling of the jumping down scene with the rocks.

In my opinion you could make the outlines stand out more. Maybe some additional strong lights from behind/where it is needed. The hand is optically melting into his stomach - there is no seperation from the top of the hand to the stomach (it’s nearly in the center of the image, can’t look around it). Hope you don’t mind me pointing out just the idea with a crappy drawing. Never could do something like this myself, doing completely different stuff :slight_smile:


I really knew that it’s going to be featured!
Good job :wink:


You’re welcome don’t worry.
I know it can be enhanced, also the video can be… The more time you spend on something the most enhancement you find.
Thanks for the feedback

Fore the time being I will call this done and post the final render of the animation.

the final version, of the final render, finished to the end of this finished project (I mean the completion) :o will come with my animation reel soon…

Hi all.

So here it is.
the final render of the video… (everything can be enhanced but I’ll call it done).
Sound design to be done and featured on my incoming animation reel.

I sharply disagree. Car wrecks and explosions are far easier subject matters to do than convincing organic character animation. Most stuff like that rely on simulators that do most of the work, with post-production to fill in the cracks. Organic character animation done by hand is an entirely different ballpark altogether.

There’s a great use for having such a portfolio. They’re some of the harder jobs to get within the computer graphics industry. Whether you’re working in a Hollywood movie production with CGI creatures or working in a next-gen game studio where technology is allowing for more freedom in terms of character animation, this kind of stuff on his portfolio really goes far. Not to mention, he did all the creature design and texturing–which shows he’s well-versed in more than just animation.

By the way, whomever said he was catering to a 18-to-24 demographic anyways? This work seems like it’s better suitable towards entertaining a younger demographic, perhaps more in the vein of Disney or Dreamworks audiences. Not to mention, not everyone wants explosions and robots all the time–not even the 18-to-24 demographic. Lord of the Rings, anyone? That was mostly character animation.

This is a great post

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Hi Marco.
Well thanks for this super encouraging comment.

Very nice animation. It is very dynamic and shows character. If I were to comment on anything, it would be his weight. You do a great job when he hits the side of the cliff, but in the beginning, I get the sense that he is a bit too light on his feet. I’d like to see his body being dragged more towards the ground, and his hands and feet to use more power on his movement.

Maybe just some words of consideration for your next project! Again, awesome job! :slight_smile:

Wow, I’m a bit late, but this is fantastic! Everything from the modelling, rigging, animation and rendering are all really well done! I think this animation should have been submitted for the Suzanne awards, would have had a great chance.

Damn, I didn’t know about this challenge :frowning: