The Conductor - Short Sci-Fi Animated Film

Can’t see it on Vimeo - it says this video is private

Password is “ducky” :slight_smile:

A really great piece of short film making! Unlike some other posters, I particularly loved the pacing and slow storytelling because it fits the topic and the characters so well. “The Conductor” is also a great example for a project in which all the given limitations (time, budget, workforce) were considered well and the possibilities were used to maximum effect. I find the character animation very inspired, the twist is clever and well-prepared. Zach, if you should ever have another go at this and fix the continuity issues mentioned by “spaced”, please let us know.

it seems awesome,
i"ll watch it later because my internet in slow
I was planning to do a scifi movie too and this motivated me a lot!
how much time did it take you though?