Strange encounter (updated)

very clear and detail…

Ha! Frogs rock!
I did something similiar - same situation, same frog, but with a little more noncartoonish ambitions - and without sculpting, as I did not yet get into that. I started working on that in december and espaccialy the frog-modelling was very challanging for me. Now I find your post here and feel like a faker. :smiley:

summarizing: nice idea, nice frogs!

Only thing: I find the yellow/black frog looks a little waxy in the first pic, but maybe that’s intended.

I love the frogs, but wish there was a gecko in there somewhere! Haha!

The scene looks very professional to me, and I could see a really interesting animated short in that. Also the render is great, out of curiosity how many samples did you use for the final product?