Skye - Character Model. Critiques/suggestions Welcome.

Incredible topology working ! :eek:
I must admit I’m not totally fond of the rendering but the body modeling is incredibly clean and beautiful. I’d like to work as well as you !!!

Thanks for the kind words guys. Honestly, most of this stuff is new to me (sculpting, especially) and so, I’m working really slowly (I have got to be the slowest Blender user. I feel like I do everything twice)

Shawn, I didn’t realize the buckles and stuff were cliche.

Zakouski, the rendering is just the standard OpenGL of the viewport with nothing special added. Don’t worry, expect it to look MUCH better when rendered.

Argl ! If you are as good in render than in retopo, I give up CGI ! Lol

great edge flow on this.

Hey, I’m back. Finally made some progress sculpting the shirt for what feels like the 100th time.

I feel like the model is in a good enough place where I don’t mind sharing another sketchfab version, so, here goes:

As always, I have pics too. Good for those who don’t want to load the plugin. Plus, these have more detail.

I may go back and sculpt the shirt all over again. I feel like the shirt looks like it’s made out of a really think material, which it shouldn’t. Any pointers/tips/suggestions?

That’s all for now

And of course, it’s been over a month, and I’ve made very little progress. I suppose I have a confession to make: sculpting scares me, so I put it off and go do other things.

I’ve worked on the shirt a bit more, and I’ve done a bit with the skirt, but I really don’t have much to show for it right now. I did however, do the leggings, which, while far from great, are good enough to show.

As always, comments, critiques, suggestions, threats etc are welcome.

Thanks for the update. Those boots are looking good!

The legging wrinkles look great! I feel like there are too many wrinkles around the knee; I see what you were trying to go for, but it looks just a little bit over-pronounced. Other than that, it’s amazing.

Is this the front or back of the knee? Or both? The cloth isn’t supposed to be some silky-smooth stuff. Something between cotton and thin canvas. It should look like it offers a bit of protection while offering freedom of movement. I don’t really know if I’ve achieved that.

Thanks for the encouragement, though! More updates to come…

It made me think of something like this where the clothing is tight fitting but not very stretchy. Actually, at a distance I don’t know how visible those wrinkles would even be, so I don’t think it’s too much :stuck_out_tongue:

Ya, something like that, though more utilitarian. I was thinking maybe something like what Link (from the legend of Zelda games) wears, but not baggy.

The visibility of the wrinkles really depends on the lighting and shading. In the viewport with certain matcap displays, they’re really prominent. When rendered with fill lights and everything, they become more subtle. Not sure what the right option is, fewer wrinkles, or leave it alone. I’m moving on to the skirt, which is giving me hell. I may come back to the legs later if I decide I’m really unsatisfied.