Simple Aligner plus included Scripts

3 parts of video are planned:

…!!! Simple Aligner Plus 2.70 - Update 8 !!!..
> Adding a Origin Panel
> Panels for all Obj > Align Curve, Align Lattice, Align Armature etc…!!!

> Property Shelf

> TAB: Align > Tools Shelf

This looks very useful, but I question the need for so many buttons used on the UI, and I think it could be greatly condensed and streamlined without affecting the usability or workflow. Mind if I play around with it? :smiley:

Sorry to ask an irritating question, but the two .py files, do they both basically contain the same functionality, but with the interface in a different location? Should I install both, or one or the other?


Also another what I hope is not an all too obvious question v0.6 is the last version for blender 2.69 and v0.08 is for 2.70 only?

> for Crocadillian

…the next Update be more like this:

> I have it always on the right side (UI Properties), so i can have it in the same time with my main tools on left tool shelf
> install both and test wich will work better for you

> the UI Properties Version works also for 2.69

Nice! Thats looking a lot better, although I still wanna play with it :3

This addon is looking really awesome. Can’t wait to play with it!

This is a great script. I especially like the ability to set the origin in edit mode. And the align tools are great. I could go on and on.

What is involved in getting this great script into Blender SVN? What I mean is, how does a script make it into “addons_contrib”.
I find I am manually adding it to each new build in install.

I´m working on a new Version with a new UI.

But i have to say that i´m not a real Developer for new Functions,
and i don´t know how to get it into Blender SVNs!
Means: i´m not so deep in the matter with all possebilities.
It is alwas a learning process.

The next Version will have single Theme-Scripts in one Folder.
It will be much easier to see where the functions come from.
But it needs a bit time to clean it up.
…and then it should be better to reinstalled it completely.

Can someone describe the 3D_Match tool? Is it like this?

It´s seem to be similar but without weight influence.
In both you have to store verticies or edges as active on the target object in editmode,
then you have to choose verticies or edges as active on the object you want to align, also in editmode.
i know 4 ways to align objects:
> with stored single verticies or edges
> by active faces (edit-objectmode)
> setting the pivots to activ or selected (editmode) and align by transform (objectmode)
> copy object data from active to selected (objectmode)

…still wait for 1D_INC Script Update!

Thanks for the awesome script collection!

new update… (?) :slight_smile:

>>> in progress <<<

Looks great!!! small and fast…
I love your color code… like a pc from the last century…

Yes, colors are from prehistoric ages :-), but harmonic. And important is the functionality.
“One click philosophy”… everything - small place.