Sign a petition...50 shades of abuse...

Haha, really, in Blender forum… wow. It’s just a movie, why then not make a petition against book… and then against all books you don’t like… and then censor people you don’t like by killing them, like some countries do. :slight_smile: There are people with different views than yours, just accept that! And there are much, MUCH more disturbing movies than this and you know what… it’s ok, you don’t have to watch it if you don’t like it.

First of all, I have no intention of seeing the movie or reading the book, but I don’t judge anyone for wanting to do either. My question is, have the petitioners read the books? Seen the movie? If not, then anything you say is just speculation or conjecture. How can you judge something that you know nothing about other than what others have told you. Make your own opinions, don’t let others give them to you. The movie, “The Last Temptation of Christ” would have made $5 if the church hadn’t brought attention to it by protesting. I wouldn’t have bothered to mention “50 Shades”, ever, until someone created a stupid petition. Think about that.

You do know what a Bear is, right? :wink: Of course you do. What about everyone else?

The really hilarious aspect of the Onion video review of the film is that people who are actually into that sort of thing absolutely HATE 50 Shades of Gray for it’s lack of reality. :smiley:

Hmm… Why just don’t watch it, if you don’t like it?

In that case, there shouldn’t be any protest if a movie director made something called “Chainsaw Daycare Massacre; the Toddlers Will Get It” (hey you don’t have to watch it so it’s fine), that implies that even the absolute most sadistic and xenophobic movies should be accepted for display by society as well.

The book in general is basically pornography in a written form, they actually had to water down the movie a bit so it can eligible for an ‘R’ rating.

Really? You know whereof you speak? You read the book, watched the movie to give us this informed opinion? :smiley:

I only had to read certain descriptions in the newspaper regarding the book and the movie, the word choices they use alone gives the impression of that.

The onion, its a parody satire site that very often cuts to the root of the issue in a refreshing clarity.

I wasn’t even thinking about watching this movie. Now, given all the controversy and petitioning, I think I will watch it!

The book in general is basically pornography in a written form, they actually had to water down the movie a bit so it can eligible for an ‘R’ rating.

But if it is as Ace stated, basically watered down pornography, might as well just stay home and watch the real deal online for free and save your money.

Anyone should be able to protest it, but yeah, what is wrong with having a movie about killing children? If no one is actually being hurt and people are not forced to watch it why would you care? People have different tastes, you should respect that. There are movies that have children die in them, Pet Cemetery for one, why not protest that?

So, don’t allow one to define any sort of moral standard at all that should be followed by society then, anything goes?

And people wonder why we now have teenagers shooting up schools, let’s also not forget that there’s reason to believe that media can indeed affect one’s mindset more than one would care to admit (maybe not instantly, but more in a slow and subtle fashion, an alteration of the mind by a thousand images).

Don’t believe me, check the gaming community sites for starters and see all of the stories about people calling for the deaths of game company CEO’s and developers they don’t like.

So, don’t allow one to define any sort of moral standard at all that should be followed by society then, anything goes?

Placing a moral value on ideas, thoughts, art and the like is quite silly.

  • The choice that goods should be paid for rather than stealing it is, in a most basic form, a moral value on ideas and thoughts.
  • The choice that one would obey the speed limit, not tailgate other people on the road, stop at red lights, and not drive through people’s backyards is also a moral value on ideas and thoughts.
  • The choice to follow rules, regulations, and laws in general are, in laymen’s terms, a moral value on ideas and thoughts.

If it’s truly silly, then there should be no governments, no laws, no police, and no jails. Everyone does as he feels is right, the world will go to heck in a handbasket and the human population gets cut in half by the end of the year, does that sound good to you? Oh, and it means there would be no forum rules and no moderators here at BA so if you want to start a couple dozen flamewar threads in the Finished Projects section (that have nothing to do with art or Blender), you would be able to.

Ace, the moral standard is that you should not hurt people or coerce them into doing things they don’t like. If you can show me evidence that a movie about killing kids would make the people watching it more likely to hurt or coerce others then I would protest that movie with you. But as movies and video games have become more violent every year, REAL violence has gone down in our society. That doesn’t mean violent media has caused the decrease but it’s an interesting fact. If violent media causes people to be violent where is your evidence? Don’t just point out the recent school shootings because without that causal link it’s just opinion. It would be like me saying “of course red swastikas caused World War II, just look at how many of them there were right before it happened, the red must effect violence centers of the brain somehow!”

The choice that goods should be paid for rather than stealing it is, in a most basic form, a moral value on ideas and thoughts.

Ace, it’s the actions of people that may have moral values placed on them though thats not to say that every action is moral or immoral.

Also, there are no ‘thought-crimes’.

Stealing is a material action, not a thought. If you think it’s right to kill children, you’ve the right of thinking so and saying what you think, as long as you don’t do the material action of killing a child or of forcing someone to do it, and as long as i can express my contrasting opinion.

Also, you talk about morality: do you think it’s moral to lure people into signing a petition they haven’t read, because when they enter the webpage to read it that action is counted as a signature?

Here i warn everyone: only click that link AFTER you decide that you want to sign.

I still don’t understand why this link is still active. This link is abuse. There’s no way to make yourself a picture about the voting. Because with clicking at the link you already voted.

I have already reported the posting, no reaction yet. Maybe somebody else can report this link too?

This is from last Tuesday’s edition of Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal.

TUPELO – “Fifty Shades of Grey” doesn’t hit Cinemark Movies 8 in Tupelo until Thursday night, but local showtimes already are sold out for the popular novel-turned-film.

Mississippi has sold nearly four times its average for pre-show tickets, with Tupelo being the first city to sell out showtimes in the state. More than three screenings for the film are currently sold out, according to Fandango’s website.

What’s the significance of Tupelo being the first to sell out showtimes? Well, probably because Tupelo, Mississippi is where the American Family Association, which has taken the lead in organizing a boycott of the film, is headquartered.

Looks like them good ol’ boys seriously need some of that old time preachifyin’ to keep them on the moral value path :smiley:

(I’m sorry, that was a rather snarky comment, wasn’t it? :wink: )


A common theme on the internet, when a supporter of an ‘anything goes’ society does not have a valid argument against the idea that a piece of media is harmful to society, they bring out their box of derogatory labels to see if they can turn the thread into a flamewar instead.

This thread is done.