Set origin to selected

all Blender addons are python scripts…


Ha! Mind just blown, thanks, Felt like I was getting pretty advanced until suddenly I realized I wasn’t.

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No worries. Often Blender addons are several scripts and assets bundled together for easy installation in a zip-file (and you never actually see any script), but sometimes, a small python script is all you need :slight_smile:

Does anyone know if there are plans to update this addon?
It would be cool if this function works for Grease Pensil objects as well.

Anyone has blender 3.0 version of this little addon? The ones mentioned leads to deleted drive sources

import bpy


# bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')

use PME for easy mapping

Hi guys!

I love this add-on so much! I have used it for years and it is essential to my workflow!

I finally managed to improve the add-on so it also works with Grease Pencil objects!

Get it here:

Cheers! :slight_smile:


I swear there was an addon I used to use that modified the Shift+S menu while in edit mode to replace some of the shift cursor options with more useful shift origin options instead. I accidentally removed it and could never find it again, I even started a thread here to see if anyone knew what I was talking about but no such luck.

If I never find it again hopefully this will suffice though, many thanks for improving and sharing!

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