Separating Blender's Data-Model from the GUI

Hello, just landing on this thread…

I wanna just share my project with you, guys. It is a GUI toolkit, using SDL2 (and switching for GLFW, soon).
I’m doing this not because of Blender itself, but for another project of mine. But since it is a totally separated framework that I’m creating to be used with OpenGL, I think that it could be of use for the Blender developers.

It’s written in C, and has a very easy way to create widget classes (has a simple system management for pseudo-classes). I’m using the SDL_Texture to draw simple widgets, and when the user wants, it can use an OpenGL widget, a widget with a FBO to draw in. But since I discovered that FBOs don’t need a size ^2, I will switch to GLFW, or any better alternative.
So far, I have checkbox, scrollbar, button and tabset widgets. Soon I will create listview, treeview and entry widgets.
Everything is very modulated. So, if you want to use only buttons, and checkboxes in you project, you just need to add the headers to these widgets and of the main library (I’m calling it just “GUI.h”, since I don’t have a name yet).

I’ll switch to GLFW, and then create a github page.

I’m not try to push nothing, just offering my library if you want. And guys, now giving my opinion about Blender and the GUI toolkit, separating then is a good thing, because if you separate then, more people will use the GUI, and more contributors will appear… and the project gets better.