Sculpt Tools

seriously awesome thanks piotr, hey sorry for practicing your brain man lol

Small update: added option to preserve shape in remesh ops. With it, it shouldn’t lose volume or ‘melt’ the mesh anymore with each remesh. The melting behavior was useful sometimes though, so I left it as an option.

Also added an option to subdivide the mesh, which should theoretically produce cleaner results. Now if only remesh didn’t return nonmanifold meshes…

if this was facebook, i’d push like on that piotr

just tested it out its great, but got a thing with the jacket on this dude, i modelled it before then unified it to the head using sculpt tools, i remeshed it and it got this, the settings is in the picture


The thin coat in the back is just too small for depth 5. Lower subdivisions, and raise depth to 6 or 7. In general, you should first raise depth until there are no more artefacts, and if you want more detail at that point, raise subdivisions. Use the redo panel from object mode. In any case, consider this feature experimental until i figure out how to fix the nonmanifolds remesh produces.

thnx, this is really awesome stuff, too bad i’m stuck doing a park to test it further

Another update: added object freezing.

So what is it for? It’s for making your viewport polycounts manageable while you’re sculpting in a scene with many dyntopo/remeshed objects. Freeze the objects you’re not editing to get back some performance, then unfreeze them when you want to edit them again. When doing an F12 render, the frozen objects will still render at their full resolution. Unlike the decimate modifier, the frozen mesh won’t be recalculated every time you open the file, which would often take a long time with high poly sculpts.

Please report any problems or suggestions.

Excellent feature! How awesome…I’m going to try this now. You’ve done a fine job.

Edit: I’ve noticed that if you freeze a sculpt, it doesn’t show up when you’re in only render display mode in the viewport.

Unfortunately I can’t do anything about that - the ‘only render’ mode won’t render the object is hidden in either the viewport or for render. If I’m not mistaken this requires a depsgraph update to fix.

Thank you very much for this freeze/unfreeze, it’s a big gain of time in comparison to adding manually a decimate modifier and setting the level of decimation very low.

That Sculpt UI/Tools addon is definitively a must have one.

I think I’ve been a little hasty in pushing this feature to github. I’ve just realized that with the method I used to do this, if you duplicate the object, the duplicate won’t unfreeze -_-’

The problem is solvable, I think, but I’ll have to change my approach. Please just consider the feature very experimental until then.

you know about remesh, doesnt really matter if the result is not all uniform quads although that would be awesome, but i also find the even distribution of triangles like dyntopo topology appealing.

The trouble is not that it isn’t uniform, but that it’s non-manifold - remesh returns quite literally an impossible surface sometimes, with edges that have four linked faces rather than the normal two. This is fixable in a post-process, I just haven’t found a reliable way to do it yet.

i’ve recreated your formula using manually placed modifiers, it seems in lower remesh values say 1 or 2, with high subd, there’s less non-manifold, more uniform quads, tested it with headbusts with good result

but of course in more complicated forms it will lack the necessary geo to wrap everything up since its based on the resulting remesh mesh.

I remember Nicholas Bishop was trying at some point to improve his remesh modifier, but he couldn’t complete it in the end

uniform tris, like in dyntopo thats the key, quick too and the code is already in blender = “Tri Remesh”

no sense getting all that quad when our multires cant sculpt “non-intelligent” retopology.

Only works on 2.69?

I have 2.62 and use Ubuntu.

I just haven’t tested it on anything that ancient. It might work, or it might not. If it doesn’t - Blender is free so please update.

iceking: There is no operator or modifier in blender by that name. What are you talking about?


yep it does not exist, i’m just playing with the idea of a tri remesh function in blender, instead of quadded topology just go for tri topology like dyntopo, but of course even throughout the model like the normal remesh. pretty ignorant about algorithms but since we’re already witnessing these kind of topology in dyntopo sculpts (what i meant with already exists), pretty sure could be done. would be very useful for dynto sculptors in majority, no sense getting all hang up in quads, i think this will faster too

Excuse me ,Mesh extract work in 2.70 ?