Sapling: A Tree Generator Add-On for Blender (OSX Fix 10 Aug 2011)

Truman, kaicent,
if you could drop back in to irc, mindrones & I would like to talk to you too about helping you with svn access & Contrib :slight_smile:

Hi everyone,

a closer look at the leaves growing.
tell me what you think!
greeting Kai-Cent

awesome more than i thought :slight_smile: hope you’ll keep building this script as there are no good tree generator for 2.5x except it

here’s an update

i added shape keys to bend the leaves. looks much nicer.
greetings kai cent

Hey Kaicent, very cool, well done! :slight_smile:
If you have some time, please drop back in irc @ #blenderpython, so we can discuss a bit about how to integrate this work with Sapling addon.
Btw, Sapling is now in svn in contrib/!

Hi minDrones, would you be so kind and show me how to ‘find’ contrib? (the link?)

hey its looking great, i like the ability to grow the leaves, that will make for a cool autumn to winter to spring to summer type video ;D would look great haha xD

Any way, think you can toss the links my direction? For some odd reason the links here arent working for me T~T

hey PKHG, svn contrib is here:

Have a read about how to use it here:

Thank you very much!

i hate to sound like a total noob, but how in hell do i get this script? the tracker link on the first page leads to an error on

Look Up two posts :wink: or even one in the quote.

First, this is a really nice script that has obviously involved a lot of time and effort. Great job.

I do have some suggestions. Hopefully I’m not duplicating others.

  1. Allow some control over where the main trunk splits.
  2. Add surface roots. (I know, this is hard.)
  3. Allow user to specify leaf object.

Thanks for all the hard work.

Awesome :slight_smile: good to see blender 2.5 won’t be treeless.

I’ve just picked up lsystem again, battling with the continuing refactor of the 2.49 script to the new platform.
Interesting timing :slight_smile:

aeonsien Hi!
there’s a small team being put together for trees.
you could drop in to irc freenode #blenderpython & I can let you know our plans/progress.
Ivy Gen, Tree creation scripts, Leaf library & Grow kit.
Exciting Times :slight_smile:
Certainly there’s room for everyone. :slight_smile:

Hai, How can I do a Palm tree

step 1: get a coconut
step2: put it in the soil close to a beach
step3: wait some years

and you will have your palmtree

greetings kai-cent

If you want to model one in blender maybe try this.

Hai, I think my question was not clear enough. I can model a palm tree using polygon model or something. But I want to know how can I make palm tree using this script. Thank you for the replay and I like your humersence.

Hey all, I just want to say thanks for this awesome script. Although I seem to get some some weird results depending on the parameters I set. Also if I set a parameter and then revert back to the original, I don’t end up with the same result. Maybe I completely missed something, but was just curious if I did something wrong.

I can post screens if need be. I also understand this is still in development. I am using the latest svn of Sapling and the latest trunk of Blender.

Again thanks for bringing trees to blender 2.5!


Hi Folks,
got out of Hospital the other day. i will continue the growkit projekt in the next days if you have leaves you want to share please post them here. no copyrights are welcome
have a nice day or night depending on where you are.
greetings Kai-Cent