Sanctuary Rising

Awesome! Very inspiring and beautifull, keep up the good job!

One of the best render I4ve seen with cycle

Superb! I’m lost for words…That has to be one of the best nature renders I’ve ever seen…

Amazing work :slight_smile:

Fantastic render! I love the detail and realism. It’s has a very fantasy feel to it as well. Great job! :slight_smile:

very nice work!

Truly top shelf in every way! I’d be curious to see your material set up for your water and the method you incorporated volumes into it.
You really did a fabulous job on this, congratulations on seeing it thru.

Well, the original render would be enough to grab attention, but I think the best part of this project is the fact that you can zoom in as much as you want, and look at it from any angle, and it still looks as realistic as ever—which is VERY realistic. Bravo!

They’re all really beautiful. I especially like the one with the sun in it.

Wow man, that is absolutely stunning. Also thanks again for the sun/world driver setup, works really well. :slight_smile:

@Bintang Senja: No black body on the sun.

@SOL_33: Didn’t want to mess too much with tweaking lighting.

@[hris: 1000 samples took a little over 5 hours with 10 hardware threads on 5 cores. Had the last core free so I could keep working in visual studio and browse the net. No compositor on most images. A few images had minor contrast/brightness adjustment in PS. Noise reduction was clamp indirect set at 1.0.

@harleynut97: The water is something I could still spend time tweaking. The volume output was a simple combination of scatter and absorption. The surface was a simple glass shader with appropriate IOR and added to that was a transparent node for shadow light paths fed with inverted difference clouds to fake the under water caustics. The inverted difference clouds went to the displace output as well.

@swirlypillow: Sure thing. Glad I could help! :slight_smile:

oh im speechless.

Absolutly amazing. I think the most realistic naturescene rendered in cycles. And you have eye for the little details there is so important.

You are my master!! 5 stars!

I am in disbelief at how intricately detailed this scene is. :’)

It’s already been said, and with lots of goodness, but…

damn !

Truly awesome! I feel like I’ve seen this place.

Thanks for posting…it must have been a huge amount of work but clearly a labor of love

Awesome job! I love it!


Oh my. Congratulations.

thats amazing, and the lighting is perfect, so natural, how did you achieve that?