River Side

Amazing images! So much details and the lighting is perfect.

It is really amazing to see the worksā€¦Fantastic, all imagesā€¦

First I must repeat what all the others have said, GREAT WORK. That said the pictures really bugged me. They seem very dead. After some time I think I found the problem. It is too perfect. I think some random dirt textures overlaid on all the textures would really help. I am not sure of this but it is the best I have come up with yet.

I have one thing to say to you sir: are you insane? :stuck_out_tongue:

This scene is amazing, through and through!

I had commented something similar saying I want that tree script. Hehe
What I discovered today - there is a tree generator built into Blender!
You have to enable it in Preferences, but itā€™s called Sapling.
Found out thanks to Andrew Priceā€™s Xmas Tree Tutorial.
I donā€™t know how to compare it with the one used in this piece, but itā€™s pretty powerful. Iā€™d recommend giving it a look.

Great work! Absolutely jaw-dropping. My only critique would be the whites in the sky seem a bit crushed. Was that intentional?

And you did it! First thing I thought after seeing these was that it looks just like painted. Especially the shots with sky visible in the background. Great work. I really like it.

Iā€™ve tried the sapling addon. I have also used Arbaro, Tree[d], Flora and a plethora of other tree generators (sorry about the rhyme, couldnā€™t resist ;P)

None of them can produce natural-looking trees like the ones I see in Enricoā€™s renders, they also fall apart when you look at them up close. Usually I just use @varkenvarkenā€™s tree generator addon and modify it manually after it has set up the basic shape for me. It basically just creates a starting point for me to work from rather than starting completely from scratch so I make the tree pretty much all manually anyway.
However it looks like Enricoā€™s script holds up even when closely analyzing it, which is amazing!

I feel in paradise looking these images. extraordinary, perfect, congratulations

Wow, amazing work. absolutely beautiful :slight_smile:

Stunned! Fells like looking at Russian classical artwork. Wonderful!

did all this fit in your gpu memory. if so did you use instances or passes or just a normal render without fancy things

I can reply to this thread and the fact that Iā€™m communicating with you is really inspiring. I canā€™t find a flawā€¦ Awesome

Hey, fabulous. Thank you for sharing.

how did you achive the color brilliance in the image? what post-render node set-up/correction did you use?

ā€œB.E.A.-utiful!ā€ Ace Ventura would say. :))
Really great!

Great work. I think it needs a little distressing. Some leaves and small branches on the ground, maybe a little clutter of flower pots and items on the steps.

Enrico, these are great renderings as your usual. :slight_smile: Congrats one more time.

Thanks again to everyone, really appreciate your feedbacks.

ItalianJoy:Yes the grass is geometry, one single mesh instanciated with particule system

Noahthurstonaz:All the vegetation is geometry even the background trees

Modron : Well the CPU is not really used for the rendering as itā€™s exclusively done by the GPU, btw, CPU is used during the conversion of the meshes in the import into Octane, at contrario, the RAM is highly used and sometimes the 16Gb of my machine are not enough.

Cekuhnen : Well the vivid colors are mainly due to the hdr map I used, btw I also used Gimp for the postpro to increase some contrast and change the saturation.

I take this opportunity to wish to all of you a merry xmas and all the best for 2014.

Very good natural light!