
You are GURU!

This is amazing work, but still I am always disappointed that its not referring to the Rama from the Arthur C. Clarke book.

woooow loved it , nice job man nice job :slight_smile:

This is the best thing ever seen by man.

The video is incredible! An awesome presentation for a great artwork :slight_smile:

Wow! Very Nice 5*

hello @draguu, I am STILL Impressed with your work. I dont know what the light sparkles calls but I noticed you have make light sparkle in slow motion around the fighter and his enemy. How do you that? I would like to do make it on my project to give some slow motion of sparkle and light ray through window to bedroom like that…:slight_smile:

The thumbnail doesn’t show how awesome this is. The video is perfectly executed, just slow enough to present that great 2D/3D “mental distortion” and fast enough to keep the interest really HIGH!

The bow string on the wrong side, unfortunately, might cut the hero’s left arm on this next shot but he’s worked almost as hard as you to make this an interesting image, but one hell of an animation clip that is super-fantastic! I hope everyone watches it.

Totally 5*'s and I’d watch hours of tutorial on the multiple techniques used here.

Wow, I’m speechless, video kills.

Great! I love this style!

Obviously looks great. I’d add a suggestion if you care: I think the hard rough black shadows don’t mix so well with the rest of the art (it can be seen more easily on the faces and teeth). If those black lines were perhaps thinner and sharper they’d look more “finished”. Just a personal opinion…

Very impressive, just AWESOME…!

hey, I’m just a n00b, but let me express my admiration:
it’s legawesomedarious. :smiley:
like five times

its fine but I dont like your style:no:

…Okay? And?

How much time did you spent on it so far?

This is an epic take on the Ramayana. Your movement along a still image shows off a lot of the detail you’ve put into the work, and I don’t know if a single image could tell more of a story. Great job.

wow gud one pratik :slight_smile:

WOW… look pretty. this goes to my desktop screen photo.