Python code slows down with increasing iterations

Yeah, the ideas with creating cubes (6faces), compared to over 40faces (uv-sphere) is what came into my mind, too. Did not implement yet, will give it a try. Creating emptys - sounds nice - even more to read :slight_smile:

Have written a first pre-release with most features working, though it has to be configured via text file and no tktinker-gui written. Whatch my sig for link :slight_smile:

Oh considering ramdisc on Linux - it’s just a few commands to set up self-expanding ram-discs (!without! swapping parts of the ramdisc to swap, which would be senseless, so be sure not to overload it with /tmp/ or something)

sudo mkdir /media/ramdisk 
sudo mount -t ramfs ramfs /media/ramdisk

Look into ramfs for more information - Windows may do that too, don’t know a way out of the box.

  • hiding all but the border of the layer (lets say 5) in viewport, doesn’t improve though

Thx for your help…very very much :slight_smile:
