portrait of magnus carlsen

Great Doris! I believe this is your best project!

thank you marco! … it certainly is a more realistic project than most of mine,though to me it seems the likeness is not as strong as i have got them in older projects…

Wow doris this is really impressive! Amazing detail! I have only just begun to learn about sculpting and seeing work like this is really inspiring!

Wow! great sculpt

I like the detail of face, cloth, hair, and the stylized pieces of cheest, plas plas plas

My five stars . Regards.

Doris thanks for sharing your pipeline, is pretty good know you enjoy making this work :).
I wish see new works!


multimochen, thank you so much, i love it when my work is able to inspire! have happy sculpting :slight_smile:
thank you skaldy for the stars and the nice words.
jose, you are welcome…new works is made, see sketchbook if you like, but no portraits in moment. will come again, when i finished my study of blenders modifiers…